Wow. She’s probably right, but holy shit she actually said that publicly
Lmao she actually called captain narnia out. Fantastic. Normally I am against this sort of thing, but that servile fuck has harmed SO MANY PEOPLE with the bullshit he’s pushed over the course of his career that he genuinely deserves no quarter whatsoever. He is a reprehensible human being and deserves to be publicly castigated and humiliated at every single opportunity possible.
That seems to be his kink
politically incorrect public statements is her thing
You know those people who proudly say they “tell it like it is”, but really just want to tell offensive jokes punching down at minorities? Bet they love her…
This is very definitely a “stopped clock” situation, though.
Oh, so it’s okay to say this then - uh, what’s going on with her face?
Gender reaffirming surgery.
She identifies as a real housewife, wearing another real house wife’s face skin as a mask.
You’re not wrong, Walter. You’re just an asshole!