Look, someone acting in bad faith again
Look, someone acting in bad faith again
Yeah, sending troops to Israel sure helps Hamas. Wanting Israel to stop killing innocents and children sure is wanting Hamas to be in charge. Try harder next time
I would think that too, but didn’t Mega Man x Street Fighter and Mega Man Maker or what ever start as fan games and then get picked up by Capcom? At the very least, they aren’t Nintendo
He had me in the first half, not gonna lie
All good lol, I was trying to help, not be rude
There was a silent /s at the end
Edit: I think you might understand that and are playing along. Apologies
Omnomnom faces
- The Leopard
Genuine question, are patents private information? I was under the impression it was public, which is why companies won’t patent a recipe (I very well could be confusing this with copyright or trademark)
Please correct me if I am wrong, I am always open to learning
Why in the fuck does bad box art Mega Man exist if this cover is a thing?
Have you ever watched gameplay? It is so fucking bad, but kinda funny to watch someone play
I have seen you support Stein, antvaxxing, and you are a moderator for Scientology. I don’t think I’ll be taking any advice from you
Might have to grab it. Perfect little time waster
Have you seen the sarcastic announcer from the GameCube game? It’s pretty funny
I don’t believe so
Yeah, I don’t think I knew about the two controller thing. I guess with emulation, PC releases, and dual sticks it wouldn’t be necessary now
That’s a good question. I don’t know that I can fully uninstall Chrome from my Tablet, only disable. Since I use it maybe a handful of times a month it isn’t a big deal to just use it for the session. I don’t feel the need to have another browser right now, but I appreciate you bringing that up
The fact that it ran on SCUMM is absolutely crazy
Sometimes we do a little arguing with the trolls. As a treat
How old are you??