Believing he wouldn’t was idiocy and this is leopards and faces level shit.
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Well, I have cancer and medicaid so it’s been nice knowing you guys.
Washington Healthplan Finder seems unaffected but I don’t know if this means like internet government medicaid portals, and not the public facing ones.
The portals between the state medicaid offices and the federal offices have been severed, I haven’t seen public facing sites being impacted, yet.
States are having to choose to suspend payment to hospitals (who will subsequently suspend services) or absorb the costs themselves until the situation is resolved.
Washington is in a budget crunch somehow despite years of record tax income from marijuana sales, so I guess I know what they’re gonna do…
Honestly, even states that run a fat surplus couldn’t support medicaid for any reasonable time without the federal support… unless the alternative is that everyone stops paying into federal taxes and the money is redirected into the states for individual programs. But this is a costly and wasteful alternative that would result in a patchwork hell of varying degrees of care I’d like to not think about. I’m just sorry you and many others are caught in the middle of this ignorant shit.
Thanks. I know it’s not the fault of the sort of people who generally hang out on Lemmy. I mean there’s a few conservatives sure, but they’re deeply in the minority over here. I feel like the people here have been fighting the good fight for folks like me already. You don’t have to apologize when your heart is already in the right place.
Audit the fuck out of the hospitals. Any discrepancy gets corrected up and down the line from the insurer to the supplier. Service cost prices out and deviation results in penalties. Should not cost this much. No more medical bill by ouija board.
My husband had a weird job many years ago doing this very thing. He worked (via a temp agency) for the federal government. They reviewed hospital billings for their agency’s workers and send mildly threatening letters if they charged $12,000 for a procedure that averaged $5,000.
It had some success, but some states had outright outlawed this sort of thing. Texas.
Hospitals are really the wrong place for this attention. They do what they have to to stay in business in a really messed up system. We already know what we need to do for health insurance reform, and that would go a lot farther to fixing hospital charges than auditing a few would
They cant pay it because if they do, trump and his ilknwill use it as ammo to atate that the federal govt never needed to pay it. It would be a short term win with disasterous long term consequences.
Whats more likely to happen is that they scramble to fix that because too many of their voters rely on it.
Well, not to sound morbid or unsympathetic , but if the end really is the end, consider going out like a hero.
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That idea is constantly on my mind, I assure you.
Marijuana is nowhere near as big and popular as you think it is.
We literally went from a budget surplus in our general fund for several years due to marijuana sales specifically to being in a budget-crunch post-COVID because all the federal money dried up and too many services were over-expanded without a plan for that federal money ending someday.
Man i hear people do crazy things when they are terminal and have been fucked by the system really hard.
Trump and the GOP have long salivated over destroying Medicaid, it’s a benefit to a group that doesn’t give them money or power… Medicare has only been excluded from being targeted by being treasured by their core demographic.
30% of veterans have disabilities.
Republicans: “Yeah… Fuck them. If they could just go and die that would be great.”
Death Offers Greater Earnings.
The united healthcare motto
I hate these headlines. “Remember when they said something that was obviously them lying, because that’s all they do? Well guess what!? We journalists fell for it but it turned out, it was a lie! Who could have known?”
I promise you, the next four years will be full of this.
3 years and 356 days.
It aint much but it’s something.
I keep hearing Maury Povich read the Trump headlines in my head.
We have had 8 years of this shit, and at least 4 more to come. The fact anyone still believes a word that comes out of his mouth has done me some real psychic damage
This is incredibly concerning. I have elderly relatives that rely on Medicaid.
I do too, but they all voted Trump.
Only so much can be done.
My niece is on Medicaid. This affects lots of children too.
And you mean Medicaid, not Medicare, correct?
There’s a load of fixed income “disabled” geriatrics that get extra service from Medicaid
It’s a thing. Wait till he fucks with medicare next :)
Trump says something and 100 different right wingers have to translate it. Why on Earth would you believe anything he says?
This first 90 days is gping to be the most epic malicipus compliance in history. They basically declared war on all the civil servants, so those very servants are just going to do exactly what is asked no matter how stupid.
It’s more that he got rid of anyone who previously told him no. Now they’re both surrounded by yes men (and Putin), and every idea they have is brilliant.
Medicade exists so that poor people don’t start demanding single-payer. This will backfire horribly if one’s goal is to maintain the stranglehold private insurance companies have on US healthcare.
Not if they don’t care and neither party offers a candidate willing to curtail corporate profits.
I don’t see a neoliberal or a fascist doing that. If there is another election that isn’t an “election.”
I fear we’ll have tanks rolling down the street before we have healthcare.
Have you seen modern police cars? They’re essentially tanks.
Wonder how many people that depend on Medicaid voted for diaper donvict just to “own the libs” and think he’d be harming “the right people”?
They turned on their radios and they heard lies. They checked Facebook and saw lies. They watched TV and talking heads lied to them. They got lies flooding their mailbox. They got emails packed with lies, forwarded by an endless chain of nosey/clueless/terrified neighbors.
At what point are they supposed to make sound and rational decisions? The information stream is overflowing with shit.
Has someone yet created a site with the bullet points of project 2025 being checked off one by one to show their hypocrisy?
Found an article outlining some…
Hey guys, so I did a thing…
It’s by no means complete. I’d happily welcome anyone who has references to help me complete this page. I just found out the site I was using for his executive orders gets them after about 10 days, and the Whitehouse website has all the up to date one (almost 80 when I checked last night). I’ll try to parse through them and update the list as I have time.
I hope to keep it up to date as much as I can, but their whole plan right now is to flood the area with nonstop shit so that we can’t really dial in on any one thing.
Dont interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake
Dont interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake
Their mistake is going to impact the health of millions of people, even people that voted for the other guy. Possibly irreparably. We should all be interrupting that.
Even if we assume this sort of fucking around will cause them to find out, how can we risk the health of millions until that hapoens
He will negotiate how much more we should pay for sudafed and other over the counter medications.
Negotiate. That’s a funny way to spell sabotage.
Ugh. That fuckin guy, that Velveeta Voldemort.
Afaik, Medicare and social security are exempt. But they still do need to provide an audit on the federal program
Due to the confusion around authorization of payments for benefits, Medicare and SS are already being fucked with at the billing/collections level.
He hasn’t issued a full stop-payment on benefits, but the departments charged with pre-authorization are getting deliberately snarled to prevent new applications.
More right wing trolls trying to muddy the water