Gotta pick on groups that very few people are familiar with. Over the decades it’s been Africans, Irish, Italians, Chinese, Japanese, Homosexuals, Muslims, Transgendered, Venezuelans (biggest driver of recent immigration), and now Haitians. If you decided to demonize Mexicans now you’d probably instantly get boos and sour looks because nearly all of us know someone of Mexican lineage and can sniff out most bullshit about their culture.
If this is legal then it’s a giant gaping loophole in the system. Not just because it’s easy to harass someone but because it sounds incredibly easy for a cop to call in an “anonymous tip” on someone they suspected of wrongdoing but had no evidence to support it. I’m almost positive the Supreme Court has even held that evidence that was gathered in the course of raiding the wrong building is legal as it’s an “honest mistake”.