"He knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers, those vote-counting computers, and we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.
Except that Elon actually doesn’t know shit about computers. Trump is just rambling delusionally like usual.
Or repeating Elons bs bragging
It doesn’t fucking matter. He can splatter an infant against a tree like an old testament god and nothing will ever happen then either.
None of this defeatist bullshit. It matters.
Keep track. Or don’t keep track and keep it out of your head for your health.
Just no defeatist bullshit.
Sorry, we can’t prosecute a sitting president. It’s tradition.
Fiddler on the roof intensifies
It’s only day 1. I can’t wrap my head around 4 more years of this shit.
It didn’t help it’s already been 8 years of this shit. Even losing he never shut the fuck up. Ever.
I hope I love long enough to read his obituary
Here we go again. Even when he’s literally found guilty, it makes no difference because there’s just not the will to make it stick.
Get the message: the system will not save us from Trump.
We need a Luigi.
Ding ding ding. Constitution? Basically a system. Justice department? A system. They have failed. We keep pretending like a super hero is gonna show up, correct it all then vanish again for another 50 years.
Rise Washington rise! Welp I tried.
He can confess to multiple murders and show the bodies on stage and nothing will happen. The US “justice” system only applies to poor people.
Nothing will happen
No laws apply to him now.
None ever have.
Only one solution.
Remember Trump and Johnson’s “secret plan” to win the election?
I ‘member.
Yep I am not giving to many conspiracies but I do believe he cheated in many states. Only how he could win the popular vote. But unfortunately he still won because of sexiest and racist.
I assure you, Trump is not the sexiest anything.
Lmao. Think they meant sexism.
What evidence do you have other than “a feeling”? Which is what the republicans have been insisting on since 2020.
MAYBE there was limited election fraud in swing states. Nation wide, there was consistently lower Democratic turnout in basically every county in every state. That is HOW trump got the popular vote. Because people were too fucking stupid and selfish to go fucking vote.
So unless trump controlled every single machine in every single county? He won. And if he DID control that, he would have won by much larger and much stupider margins.
The problem was not “the computers” (that is gonna be the 2026 and 2028 problem…). The problem is that we spent the past 8 years smiling and nodding when self proclaimed leftists can’t go five fucking minutes without ranting about how nobody’s vote matters and we all deserve to suffer because their candidate didn’t win in two thousand and fucking sixteen.
Oh good. Because that matters.
“He knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers, those vote-counting computers, and we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.”
Trump is so old he probably means human computers. They were still around when he was a young man. Right? He meant the people counting the votes, right? Heaven forbid he actually tried to monkey with the voting machines. Because that would be illegal, and totally unthinkable for someone with a stainless reputation like His Orangeness…
Don’t assume there’s anything meaningful behind what he says. His algorithm is mind-numbingly simple: say stupid shit. If it gets attention, double down.
That’s all there is. There is no thought and no feeling. He has no more inner life than a cockroach.
If anything, this is a distraction from something else.
say stupid shit. If it gets attention, double down.
And that’s exactly how he gets away with all the stuff he does: people simply assume he’s talking crap, until they realize he wasn’t.
Trump should not be allowed to say anything remotely controversial without meeting fact-checking and extreme resistance at each and every step. Either that’ll teach him to be careful with what he says, or he’ll eventually get caught incriminating himself. If people let him say any old thing because of the sheer volume of bullshit coming out of his piehole, he’s gonna keep getting away with everything.
Yeah remember that analysis by some data scientists that said there was some fishy shit going on?
Do you have a source? I don’t remember it and I’m not turning much up by searching.
Here is the article that was published about it.
Take it with a grain of salt. But the dots are starting to line up.
It looked reasonable on the surface, largely because of the “factual” claims he made. But as soon as you start peeking into the publicly available numbers, it falls apart. He said 11% bullet ballots in NC. It was around 2.2%. That’s the one I verified myself.
In North Carolina, which saw 11% of votes for Trump cast as bullet votes.
NC had 5.67m presidential votes. NC had 5.54m gubernatorial votes. A difference of 128k. 128k/5.67m = 2.257%
I checked a couple other NC races as well. It doesn’t get close. Not to mention places like NYC went more red too. Do we think they cheated in NYC too? Did they cheat literally everywhere?
Of course the bullet ballot guy makes the claim that the swing states and the surrounding states are different, but they really weren’t. His numbers are just lies.
That guy neverehad a source to make the claims that he did. Rebecca Watson addressed this guy’s claims
Some people may think that, but from the video it is not clear. He just mentions Elon knows computers very well. There will be enough real news with president Trump, we don’t need this kind of journalism.
He just mentions Elon knows computers very well.
Which is proof it’s just more nonsense.
It sounds like standard demented Trump. Musk -> Technology -> Computers -> Voting Machines -> Hey, everybody remember, how I won the election?!
It would be like him to brag about it now that he can operate with impunity.
You’ve got to spend money to make money