In pagers explicitly for receiving messages from a Hezbollah controlled network. About the only thing more direct would be putting more explosives in the rockets, but that would cause significantly more collateral damage.
In pagers explicitly for receiving messages from a Hezbollah controlled network. About the only thing more direct would be putting more explosives in the rockets, but that would cause significantly more collateral damage.
This is why literary analysis created death of the author.
Focused on a single person who was in a car with a Hezbollah member when the pager exploded. Yes it’s unfortunate she died instead of her father, but it’s hardly proof of indiscriminate attacks.
Then there would be news articles about mass civilian casualties, and not the focus on a single girl who was the daughter of a Hezbollah militant.
Not a ton is known, by from what I understand the explosives were part of a secondary board added to the pagers, which would also have the ability to listen for a separate signal or look for a specific one the pager received.
It is a huge technical operation to intercept an order and replace it with modified devices without the target knowing. Particularly when the target has to be extra careful in ordering things in the first place to avoid sanctions.
In contrast sending out an “execute order 66” message is pretty trivial to trigger them
No one planted explosives all over the place in this scenario. We have videos of what happened, people standing nearby weren’t harmed.
That really doesn’t seem to be true though. There’s no reports of anyone injured that wasn’t a militant or directly related to one. This doesn’t seem to be a case of 100s of innocent’s to a single target, it appears to very much be the opposite. That is expressly not indiscriminate.
These weren’t bus size explosions, you could be in an elevator with someone wearing the pager and survive.
Most would blame the mass murdering parent for endangering the child.
Buying massive amounts of primetime commercial time to sell useless products by screaming their name over and over in the ad.
A City bus doesn’t actually fit the analogy. Israel didn’t randomly distribute explosive pagers to anyone. They went to a terrorist organization.
Blowing up the bus that transports soldiers to camp is a hell of a lot better than blowing up a building where a single officer lives.
Lebanon could retaliate, but it’s still going to bring whether Hezbollah is really state sponsored to the forefront of the conflict. The other two countries aren’t going to openly invite US/EU intervention by taking action.
Distributing bombs to terrorists is about as exact as you can get. It’s not on Israel if a terrorist lets their kids play with their tools.
Israel could have leveled a block in Lebanon like they do in Gaza, but they didn’t.
A bit is specific, but you can probably adapt them.
1.1 million sounds like a goal if you can turn this into rental units. Based on the picture heavy renovation is needed, so focus on modification and the status of the permit is the important stuff.
No matter how you tax there isn’t 300+ billion of income to find. Endless new debt isn’t sustainable.
You can expect a loss and still be surprised by the extent l.
Communication with terrorist organizations by government officers is frowned upon though.