These people are crazy and very dangerous. I hope Americans - and especially American media - can stop bothsidering Joe and unhinged fascist craziness like this.
But Joe didn’t stop the genocide!
You know, by acting unilaterally… In a foreign country over which he has no authority… Mired by centuries of dissent…
Right, he didn’t actively say he’s a Zionist and pledge support no matter what Israel’s actions.
I’ve recently noticed that Lemmy often has great difficulty with detecting sarcasm.
It’s like the sarcasm-aware never left Reddit and the ones that did just can’t spot it even when pretty blatant in front of their face.
I understood the sarcasm but felt it better to be clear for the trumpist morons who read these discussions. Note I didn’t say “But he is”, it was more adjunct to the comment rather than critical of it. It’s basically a citation.
I would have thought that would be the one place where a /s isn’t needed
Well well welll
So “both sides” because Biden believes Israel should be allowed to exist? 🙄
The issue is that Israel is refusing to allow Palistinians the same right to exist.
Right now, supporting Israel is the same as supporting genocide. Any moral obligation to support Israel has long since eroded into history.
It would be nice if the world was so easily divided into black and white, but it isn’t. Politics is complicated, and the actions of the Israeli government are not the actions or even the will of the Israeli people. Israel deserves to exist, and so does Palestine. Acknowledging the rights of both people doesn’t negate condemnation of what either government has done in violation of human rights.
Trying to walk that middle line between their right to exist and disavowing their actions is harder than you think. You think it ought to be easy, except for the people who think differently from you and insist that the opposite solution you want is the only acceptable path.
We don’t have the privilege of knowing everything about the situation. Trying to drive from the back seat isn’t helpful.
Both sides may have done some shit, but one side is very clearly the aggressor, oppressor, and vile inhumane monster, and the other systematically enslaved, tortured, and driven off their own land.
If two people fight, but one of them literally walked up to the other and started beating the shit out of him, it’s not like “Well, they both fight dirty, so let’s not make it black and white but nuanced, like there IS no right and wrong.”
That still doesn’t make this a black and white situation. Would Israel be able to get away with selling their atrocities to the Israeli people if Hamas weren’t dedicated to doing the same to Israel? If the Palestinian government had been willing to accept compromise forty to fifty years ago, would Israel have been able to do what they’ve done?
The answer, of course, is no. No one’s hands are clean. And there’s really no easy solution that doesn’t violate ethics because we’re on the outside looking to force solutions on them. Just like they’re doing to each other. If we abandon Israel, then they’ll suffer what they’ve done to the Palestinians, and the Israeli people don’t deserve that any more than the Palestinians. You can’t tell me you have a better solution because you don’t.
and the actions of the Israeli government are not the actions or even the will of the Israeli people
the government of Israel is nominally democratically elected. I have no idea how fair those elections were or weren’t. That government represents the people. if the people have a problem with it’s actions… it’s probably time for them to do something about it. In the mean time, there are some things that are pretty fucking black and white. Genocide is one of them.
Supporting genocide… is not cool.
We don’t have the privilege of knowing everything about the situation.
Are you saying that Israel is some how not committing war crimes and atrocities?
Genocide is bad. Both Hamas and the Israeli government are guilty. But the Israeli people and the Palestinian people are not their governments. We can’t abandon either of them and keep the moral high ground. So how do we accomplish all of those goals and get their governments to accept it.
You can’t force your black and white perspective on this no matter how satisfying you might find it.
The problem is people acting like the alternative to Biden is any better
Exactly! And these protest vote morons couldn’t pick a worse time to bury their stupid heads in the sand
A lot of it is Russian and GOP psyop bullshit on social media
the problem is just having the one alternative
The problem is kind of also that out of the two alternatives people will default to the worst choice, because the OK choice is not