I think you have mistaken the author’s intent. The delineation isn’t to say one group is better than the other but rather to illustrate one is more toxic and that some of that toxicity is getting push back.
I think you have mistaken the author’s intent. The delineation isn’t to say one group is better than the other but rather to illustrate one is more toxic and that some of that toxicity is getting push back.
Yeah that’s Bonjour and having a fixed platform.
They are both products focused on being fairer for consumers with upgradable components and better repairability. In terms of this discussion yours is a distinction without a difference.
To support the brand and hopefully convince Stardock / Pistol Shrimp that there might be demand for more Star Control games.
You know how this isn’t 2015 right? People are no longer fooled by you guys creating accounts to concern troll.
Fucking fascist.
Republicans ratfucking due process and democracy is expected. Don’t feel bad for Biden, he can take it. He’s a player and a good one at that. Feel bad for Americans who aren’t smart enough to recognise ratfucking when it happens.
That process, the decorum you so richly despise is what keeps people from killing you for being such an ignorant loudmouth. People like you never think about the realities of a world where people kill without recourse and everything is an emotional knee jerk reaction with terminal consequences.
Quick IoT haters, spin this back around. This time make it that the toothbrushes all form into a man sized brush bot that people the brush off.
That article seems like utter bullshit designed to make Biden seem out of touch. There’s no proof, it’s all hearsay about him supposedly seeking questions from his advisors. What is CNN’s angle here?
There are free solutions that are open source, hell there’s older commercial solutions from Acronis and whatever Symantec calls Ghost these days. You made a poor choice in selecting a losing horse in a race that’s been run many times - how is that a reflection of the state of modern tech? You didn’t choose the Hare, you chose poorly.
The article and this discussion isn’t about reliable solutions vs new fangled stuff that doesn’t realise, it’s about what we do now that stuff realised and we didn’t think about what we signed up for. I’m really glad your dad encouraged you to think about the value of well-worn approaches but you’re being extremely reductive as are many in this discussion. What I find interesting about that is I feel this trend towards reductive thinking probably reflects a world seemingly happily with sliding the Overton window right inch by inch.
The title of the article is literally: “Fake Mobile Game Ads: Why Do Advertisers Use Them?”
It covers many of the methods fake games are used as bait and switch marketing including hyperbole. You would know this if you actually read the article instead you searched for something in it to try and dissuade from the point of the article. If you’re a developer of any experience I’m a billionaire. Keep lying liar.
You didn’t read the article at all. My god you’re full of it.
The ad is for a single player mobile game - it has not been realised and in no way would there be ongoing costs that require it to be axed should a It sell poorly.
Honestly, you’re full of shit and should stop this bs about working in the industry. Here’s what a real mobile advertising company has to say on the matter - note that none of your bullshit is referenced at all.
Now who’s dancing around the point? The same half dozen vertical slices or renders have existed for years so why have exactly 0 been realised as games?
Because they aren’t games they are bait and switch adverts. There’s no market research campaigns and you’ve provided no fucking evidence for your claims at all. Your thesis is bunk and I think so are your claims to be a dev too.
What are you on about? Why does any dev in the mobile need to deal with companies like this?? Unless you’re looking to work for Niantic, EA, Ubisoft/Gameloft etc you can just self publish and that’s what people do daily. Lots of self published games and apps exist and more are available every day.
I am concerned with the larping you’re doing here. Why are you trying to scare people ?
Your whole guess is incredibly well written and it’s also entirely wrong. Wanna know why? You’re about to feel really foolish.
You see the picture OP posted? Most will recognise it because regardless of theme (sometimes a long soldier fighting army other times it’s a person against a horde of undead etc) it’s an archetype that many of these ads use (others are the puzzle game with water, the rpg where you outfight or outfuck etc). Those archetypical fake games have been doing the rounds for literal years, some close to a decade. If they were prototypes or seeking audience interest they would exist by now or they would be much more varied. They don’t and they aren’t.
No, what you’re actually seeing is an artifact of the financial rewards a lack of interest and imagination can render if your audience is large enough - these ads aren’t selling the games they portray, they are the central player to a bait and switch strategy to farm people into generic games that harvest clicks, user data and money from the unsuspecting tech ilterate. These ads are not market research because those who publish already know their markets extremely well and they know down to the second what enough of the audience will do when faced with these bait and switch games.
That you attribute such grandiose cleverness to this scam is pretty sad.
Yeah that’s not correct. Facebook bought into the oculus project in a share swap/cash deal with Lucky Palmer. Carmack joined the project later because he believes in VR in a big way and he contributed very important parts of the rendering methods to greatly improve performance.
Take your dumb reddit shit back to reddit.