If you want to remain relevant politically, here’s what you need to do: GIVE UP. Seriously. You’re fighting a losing battle against time and changing demographics. A majority of people under 50 hate you, a huge majority of people under 40 hate you, and practically everyone under 30 hates you. That is not a recipe for long-term viability.
Yield on the culture war shit. You lost. Get the fuck over it. Move on. And maybe someday there will be two parties willing to talk about substantive issues again, rather than one party being only willing to talk about protecting fetuses from being gay molested by drag queen Jewish space lasers.
The thing is they have nothing else. They have no policy.
If they had a health care plan it would be the ACA
They don’t support any ubi or anything to help families
Well that’s not true. They have the policy of wealth idolatry while claiming moral and religious superiority as the basis for why you should be voting for them.
Democrats: Stop trying to reason with republiQans. They will never even deal in good faith. Never. Stop it. Build what you can alone. Seriously, the effort wasted in trying to understand or sway them is immense. Just stop.
Idk how much of that is true sadly. I live in a state that is, thankfully, Democrat but 9 years ago moved to an area that is more rural. I know the majority here is voting R but over time I also realized something that shocked me more which was that a lot of the teenagers here seem to reflect the same values as there parents. I’ve overheard conversations with them talking about Trump, watching Tucker Carlson, and just generally siding with them. I believe this is probably the case for a lot of the same age group in Midwest states as well. Just watch videos from the youtube channel “channel 5 news” to see festivals and other events where the general consensus of younger people is to scream hate about our current president. Even my boss at work who I always knew was R was talking about his daughter buying a Trump flag who is just in high school. They also live in a rural area as well. The only positive thing that he said, that shocked me, was that he actually does hate Trump and will not vote for him due to everything going on. And here I thought it didn’t matter what he did, thankfully some people can think reasonably and see the absolute horror he is.
Exposure they don’t know anything other than the indoctrination they were given, as they meet more people and move out of corn town they will realize how they were lied to and flip.
Oh yeah, I’m 29 and got made fun of in high school for voting for Obama. The left has a large lead on a lot in younger voters, but it isn’t even close to unanimous
They know this, that’s why their strategy is now “full blown fascism”. If they can’t win democratically, then they will ignore, undermine, and destroy democracy to get what they want; which is exclusive control of all the money and all the power.
Dear Republicans,
If you want to remain relevant politically, here’s what you need to do: GIVE UP. Seriously. You’re fighting a losing battle against time and changing demographics. A majority of people under 50 hate you, a huge majority of people under 40 hate you, and practically everyone under 30 hates you. That is not a recipe for long-term viability.
Yield on the culture war shit. You lost. Get the fuck over it. Move on. And maybe someday there will be two parties willing to talk about substantive issues again, rather than one party being only willing to talk about protecting fetuses from being gay molested by drag queen Jewish space lasers.
The thing is they have nothing else. They have no policy. If they had a health care plan it would be the ACA They don’t support any ubi or anything to help families
They have to rely on culture wars.
Well that’s not true. They have the policy of wealth idolatry while claiming moral and religious superiority as the basis for why you should be voting for them.
No plans is the only plan. Fucking losers.
They know all these things. Its why they intend to end elections and democracy. Easy peasy.
Nah, they’d rather burn the US to the ground than let women and minorities be equals.
This is why.
Democrats: Stop trying to reason with republiQans. They will never even deal in good faith. Never. Stop it. Build what you can alone. Seriously, the effort wasted in trying to understand or sway them is immense. Just stop.
Given the way they treat minorities, can you blame them for not wanting to become one?
Bit of a loaded question lol
Idk how much of that is true sadly. I live in a state that is, thankfully, Democrat but 9 years ago moved to an area that is more rural. I know the majority here is voting R but over time I also realized something that shocked me more which was that a lot of the teenagers here seem to reflect the same values as there parents. I’ve overheard conversations with them talking about Trump, watching Tucker Carlson, and just generally siding with them. I believe this is probably the case for a lot of the same age group in Midwest states as well. Just watch videos from the youtube channel “channel 5 news” to see festivals and other events where the general consensus of younger people is to scream hate about our current president. Even my boss at work who I always knew was R was talking about his daughter buying a Trump flag who is just in high school. They also live in a rural area as well. The only positive thing that he said, that shocked me, was that he actually does hate Trump and will not vote for him due to everything going on. And here I thought it didn’t matter what he did, thankfully some people can think reasonably and see the absolute horror he is.
Exposure they don’t know anything other than the indoctrination they were given, as they meet more people and move out of corn town they will realize how they were lied to and flip.
Oh yeah, I’m 29 and got made fun of in high school for voting for Obama. The left has a large lead on a lot in younger voters, but it isn’t even close to unanimous
They know this, that’s why their strategy is now “full blown fascism”. If they can’t win democratically, then they will ignore, undermine, and destroy democracy to get what they want; which is exclusive control of all the money and all the power.