You assume that the governments of which you speak are not assisting intentionally. These companies did not write the EULA legal frameworks that allow them virtual carte blanch to take and do whatever they want just because the population is trapped in the endless cycle of coercion that is our life.
I have taken to using my a quote of my own with people recently, on both sides in different situations. Quote: “Those who neither ascribe to nor participate in the social contract of tolerance are not afforded the protection it brings.”
I say it to the right when they complain about me calling them out on their BS or making it known that they are generally shit human beings.
I say it to the left when they try to call me out for saying that literal Nazis holding signs on the side of the road should have beverages thrown at them by passing cars at the tamest. I would prefer throwing much heavier objects, but the law protects them. The Law, not the social contract of tolerance. Within the confines of the law, people like that should not be tolerated and should be informed with as much force as possible.