Or does it only count upvote only?
I searched lemmy and can’t find the answer. Lemmy documentation also didn’t specify.
Edit: Sorry didn’t really wanna make a whole post about it, but like my curiosity can’t stand not knowing every detail of Lemmy. I want to know this so I know how to sort Lemmy better
Follow up Question: Which sorting method do y’all think is the best?
New - for subscribed feeds
Top last 6 hours - for All
Personally I do Subscribed + Scaled. Scaled surfaces new stuff from smaller communities with fewer votes. Subscribed ensures it doesn’t bring in too much noise. I keep a large Subscribed list with many communities I’m interested in hearing about, but don’t necessarily check regularly.
I also regularly switch to All + Top Day / Scaled / Hot / etc. to see what’s going on that isn’t in my Sub list. If I see something I’d like to see regularly, I subscribe.
I like New comments
Comments, yea I sometimes use that to check if the thread has changed.
For posts (on front page I mean) tho, nah that’ wayy to much posts to go through. I don’t have time to check every post.
For posts (on front page I mean) tho, nah that’ wayy to much posts to go through. I don’t have time to check every post.
I use alts to have different feeds. Really looking forward multicommunities
I used to use that but it makes it harder to find posts from smaller communities because they get less attention.
All. Because someone has to give the initial down votes on spam posts.
Also give us a chance to make a comment that will be seen, and maybe encourage discussion.
Thank you for your service. 🐕🦺
Scaled and subscribed. There’s a lot of other languages and other topics that I don’t know much about on All. I’m sure that they’re useful, but I don’t understand it and I can’t meaningfully contribute to it. Subscribed is more curated and therefore more meaningful to me. The key is to be lax with what you subscribe to. Seek out niche communities, and subscribe to communities that may not perfectly fit your interests - you want to diversify your feed, so subscribe to basically everything that you’d be ok with seeing.
Then, sort by Scaled. Hot has a tendency of pushing all the big communities to the top and burying the smaller communities, so you’ll just get a ton of news articles in your feed. Scaled will normalize for community size and make for a more diverse feed
Great advice. This is exactly what I do.
I use “Hot”, it’s nice.
I switched to “new comments” and don’t want to go back to anything else. It has only advantages in my mind:
- It gives me a mix of older and very new threads (because new posting also counts as a comment).
- It makes sure different threads are shown to me after a short period of time already, making sure I do not get bored by seeing only things I’ve already seen.
- It reminds me of web forums with thread bumping, which I continue to think were one of the best ways to organize online discussions we’ve ever had.
- It still shows me more upvoted stuff more of the time because many other users sort by sorting methods that take upvotes into account, so such threads also get more comments usually.
One disadvantage is that occasionally I get several-month-old (or even year-old) threads at the top of my feed if someone has the brilliant idea to post in them. Doesn’t happen very much though.
I like looking at my subscriptions and sorting by Hot which is newer than Top
Subscribed - Hot is my default
All - Hot is my alternate if I’m seeing the same recentish posts too much
All - New if I’m looking around for new communities to subscribe to
Top doesn’t do anything for me because needing to narrow down by time frame is too many steps, although I didn’t check to see if there is a setting tonchange the default
Try Subscribed + Scaled. I used to use Subscribed + Hot too.
Top counts Net votes.
I like Hot, but if I haven’t been on for a bit then I check Top [timeframe since I last checked]
Top 6 hours is best
I don’t think it does. I just looked a sample thread sorted by “hot”. I think that just sorts by the number of upvotes.