That is so embarrassing and good on the people of Greenland for not wanting to be part of that.
I am Danish and have been to Greenland. This is seriously impressive, because the people of Greenland are the absolute nicest I have ever met.
Story time: I was getting a lift from a local on his boat, when we passed a small dingy out in the middle of nowhere. The two Greenlanders (a mother and son) in the dingy waved us over to show us all the salmon and cod they had caught. Then they refused to let us leave, before giving us half of their fishy riches. The mother told us “if you had a giant apple tree in your garden, wouldn’t you share the apples with all your townsfolk”.
I fucking love Greenland and their people.
Tolerance Paradox.
Part of being truly nice is being not nice to people who are not nice.
That sounds more like enabling than being nice. It can be nice to be honest and confront someone when they are being an asshole.
You seem to have misread the comment you’re replying to. It has two "not"s in it, and you missed one of them.
Totally did, you’re a champ for the correction. Thank you :)
Yep. As Bob Dylan eloquently said “don’t have nothing at all except hatred”
Greenland good on you. Send the Nazis packing.
they hadn’t had time to sufficiently scotchguard their couches yet
“He gonna fuck what?”
No one invited them into their home so they cancelled their visit and couldn’t go? Are they fucking vampires that need to be invited over a threshold? That’s hilarious, excellent job Greenland.
Of course they are fucking vampires. Also each other, possibly.
If the whole point of the trip was to get propaganda footage showing how much Greenlanders love and welcome the US and trump administration, the trip would be a waste of time without it.
If they came to my door they’d be greeted by an air horn in the face. The “no soliciting” sign applies to everyone.
Unless you’re one of my neighbours. They’re cool. No need to make them deaf lol
Better yet, have an agreement with the neighbours that, if one horn goes off, all of them go off. Best way to get rid of pesky salesmen, Mormons and vice presidents.
Edit: spelling
I’m curious what India thinks of Usha Vance. On paper, she’s an Indian-American Second Lady. In reality, she sits back while her husband says he’s okay with all kinds of anti-Indian racist shit.
Ever hear of the caste system? That anti-Indian racism is built in and I guarantee that there’s a higher % that approves than you think
the government of india does a lot of racist anti indian stuff too.
JD is gay right? Maybe she’s just living in denial … Regardless, I feel bad for her that she gets humiliated all the time. Maybe she deserves it for some Faustian deal. I don’t know.
Gay?! He wishes! If he were gay, there’d be no problem! No, what he has is a romantic abnormality. One so unbelievable that it must be hidden from the public at all cost.
Imagine just hanging with the boys all the time. Having sleep overs. Skinny dipping in the pool. Having a hot shower together. Sharing eye liner tips. Talking about how much gays suck. Who needs girls, right? Yuck.
You might even say he’s extra manly; so manly he wants to spend all his time with men and as little time as possible with women.
He isn’t gay. Wanting to fuck couches is totally hetero.
Feel bad for their children, not the Yale educated lawyer who chose to marry him.
I wouldn’t say JD “couch fucker” Vance is gay but hes certainly not straight
Fuck no. Do not feel bad. If we know about what a flagrant piece of shit he is, she absolutely has to know. Never go that route. She knows and she’s hoping he comes out on top to ride the hateful wave.
He has to be
I’m in another country and not speaking about Indians in particular, but my family have been immigrants. One thing I observed is that immigrants tend to have a stronger anti-immigration stance than other demographics.
I think it’s one part shame. You worked hard and now you feel superior to the “fresh off the boat” person you once were and (by extension) to all those new immigrants.
One part it’s that inside, we all have these shitty feelings toward other people but, as immigrants ourselves, we feel legitimised to express them openly because hey, that can’t be racist if you’re talking of your own ethnicity, right?
And then of course,in many places immigrants tend to be pigeonholed into specific types of jobs, so more immigrants not from your family = more competition. But that is not for the Usha Vance types who made it close to the top.
I see that dynamic being actively exploited for politics everywhere. The lesbian leader of the neonazi AfD in Germany, for instance. “I can’t be racist, I have an Indian wife” is just not true. You can and the Indian wife can be too.
India is very pro-Trump.
Eh, it’s over a billion people. Most people (who don’t live in cities) don’t know about Trump other than the fact that he’s the president. Even those who have internet aren’t going to see US news cuz their feeds aren’t curated for that.
Most people like trump, because “strong man”. No one really even knows who JD vance or Usha are. But I guess they’d like her, they like rishi sunak. Being rich is seen as a virtue. There’s also a weird obsession with seeing indians in powerful positions, some sort repressed complex.
She’s fine with the racism because “she’s one of the good ones”. She and vance are neoliberalists, opportunists. Watch them try and make as much money as they can before they get kicked out.
I wish we could find people in our government half as committed to a living wage as they are to the Vances’ PR.
Oh no, the locals don’t want to host the people who are trying to destroy their sovereignty and make them a vassal state because a dementia case wants to copy his idol Putin and do a territorial expansion. How dare they complain, I guess?
I can’t help thinking if we all allow one nation to be taken over by a superpower because they want it, how long before it becomes normalised
Every small nation needs to be considered
I personally think it is for minerals not security The western World was supposed to be past this taking what you want because your bigger
You’re right, and this is why Russia cannot be allowed to win in Ukraine.
Plastic couch covers aren’t popular in Greenland.
Damn. That’s some heavy “please clap!” vibes right there!
I would say yee and when that asshole would show up, I would open the door, throw shit in his face and close the door. His secret service would get me, I know. But the idea of this is wonderful.
How many said that they would like to punch him in the mouth?
To no one’s surprise.
Two know, one’s surprise.