Cripple the organization so it can’t go after rich people anymore. It’ll help them rob us even faster.
Then privatize it to TurboTax
Yep. It’s so backwards… Like if you can focus on collecting the same amount of taxes from a few rich assholes every year, why even bother with the other millions of us? I mean, I know it’s rigged against us plebs, but it makes no sense from a workload management perspective.
It’ll be easier to not pay your taxes at least!
Not for most of us. Auditing average Americans is damn close to 100% automated. It’s the rich fuckers and corporations that take time and effort to audit.
If we get through this (probably in the form of another country), the new IRS is going to have such a headache.
Slaughtering the working class while rewarding the rich
This is so wrong
Big ol’ /S
Hey, once you earn your first million, you’ll get it! …or so the rich people tell me…
Let me guess: first order of firing is to get those people out who check rich peoples’ tax files for “omissions” and “mistakes”.
Cool. I’m supposing they will go back to going after only the little guy and none of the 1%.