Incredible that this was written before even the first trump presidency, and it so elegantly captures this moment in time.

What are your thoughts? I don’t see how democracy in the US survives this moment. Can other democracies in the rest of the world live on alone, or will they too succumb to technofeudalism?

  • Snot
    15 days ago

    Absolutely, I was not dogging on Marx, just pointing it out.

    And further, while I think Debord is really onto something, his work would not have existed had Capital not already been written. His work functions on literally copying Marx’s (and others!) own words and changing the words to fit his own narrative. He called it detournement. The modern equivalent might be “culture jamming” where you’re take a corporate message and twisting it into a message of freedom and rejection of corporate control.

    Plagiarism is necessary. Progress implies it. It embraces an author’s phrase, makes use of his expressions, erases a false idea, and replaces it with the right idea.

    And I would personally even detourne this statement from Debord. I think “false idea” and “right idea” are too strong. I would use “unhealthy idea” or “antisocial idea” and “healthy idea” or “prosocial idea.” I think “right” is kind of tooting his own horn just a bit too much.