• lennybird@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    It’s really frustrating because it’s obvious the administration has its hands tied but it can’t come out and outright say it, and she’s also absolutely 100% correct in that Trump would just laugh at protesters, mock them, and tell his rally to beat them up.

    I remember during the Democratic primaries these more scorched-earth pro-Palestinian protesters (I’m pro-Palestinian; just not to the point I’m shooting myself and them in the foot) would say along the lines, "Well this is the primaries and the time to advance change and protest — and I at least respect that. After the Democrat is locked in, then of course it’s a binary choice, and Trump is obviously far, far worse for Palestinians. So it comes down to 1) what’s more likely, that these protests change official policy ahead of polling, or 2) it leads to wedge-driving and disunity among the Democratic banner, handing the election to the far-worse opponent? Harris and I believe the latter is more likely, hence saying something along those lines.

    I mean Jesus, they’re actively working on a permanent ceasefire while Trump is calling Bibi to undermine it. So why aren’t protesters protesting Trump rallies?