• PoliticalAgitator@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Lol, 8-16 million dollars is a tiny fraction of gun sales in America, you just proved my point.

    What point? You barely made one. You claimed it was unfair to claim that gun sales fund Republicans but offered no other source for that money.

    As far as I can tell, you’re just limply offering vague “it’s not even that much money” comments, pretending like you’d casually turn down a $15 million per year budget at work.

    My dude, they already have the guns. They already have their people in Congress and in the judicial system, gun laws are not happening. If you could actually pass them, I’d gladly give up my rifle.

    Yep, and now they’re suckering undesirables into giving them an excuse to use them.

    Lol, I’m not trying to solve crime, I’m just protecting my home. Mainly because the state is unwilling to do so

    Love that you didn’t say you’re defending people in your home, because you’ve put them at demonstrably more risk.

    But that was never really the point anyway was it? You didn’t buy cameras, or motion lights, or alarms, or stronger locks. You bought a rifle. It’s not only less effective as a form of security, it’s not even a good gun for the job.

    Personal protection is an unwinnable battle?

    It’s a battle that literally only exists in your imagination and you’re sacrificing actual peoples lives for your cringe little hero fantasy where you murder someone for trying to steal your iPad.

    No I mean every weapons prohibition going back to before we were a country has been based on prohibiting people of color from protecting themselves.

    LOL you absolutely didn’t mean that. You specifically said “gun control” and now you’re trying to wriggle your way out of it with more bullshit.

    Black people didn’t shoot their way out of oppression and widespread gun ownership has done absolutely nothing to promote equality, it’s just gotten more people murdered.

    You are just a privileged liberal who has no grasp on anything outside your lily white bubble of comfort your life has afforded you.

    I’m sure that would have really hurt my feelings if I somehow didn’t know anything about myself or the life I’ve lived. Could you have made it any clearer that you’re trying to self-soothe? You don’t even have a profile picture to go on.

    I still haven’t heard how exactly you would confront someone who’s trying to do you violence

    And you still haven’t told us how you’re going to shoot the people in your imagination (although I guess the higher suicide risk you’ve opted everyone in your house into might cover it).

    I know you have no experience being hated for the color of your skin,

    It would almost be worth doxxing myself just to show you how fucking stupid you look claiming to “know” things. Are we really supposed to politely pretend your opinions aren’t worthless as we watch you literally imagine things and then claim to know them as facts?

    So, how do you talk your way out of a hate crime?

    No, I’m not joining you in your fantasy world, especially when there are actual hate crimes to use. So how should George Floyd have shot his way out of systemic violence? What about Trayvon Martin? Fuck, how about Amir Locke?

    Don’t be coy, tell us exactly when they should have drawn their gun and started firing and how they would have lived happily ever after if they’d just let the gun lobby finish in their mouth.