• shalafi@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    There’s some nuance here. INAL, but I’m reading that this bill would allow someone to confront a trespasser, far from home, yet on their property, and call it castle doctrine. If that’s the case, I disagree mightily. Fuck around outside? That’s for 911, even if they’re far away. Don’t care what you do outside, I’ll wait on law enforcement. Inside? FAFO.

    If passed, the change of “and” to “or” in state law would give a much broader defense to people who use deadly force, as property would only have to satisfy some of the requirements instead of all of them, said criminal defense attorney Jack Litwak. [emphasis mine]

    “The idea with the Castle Doctrine is that you are supposed to be able to defend house and home,” he said.“This seems to broaden it to say you can shoot someone that’s just on your actual property.”

    On the surface, this doesn’t seem like much of a change. But I’ve seen cases revolve around seemingly minor details. Words have very specific meanings in law. Very specific.

    Remember the guy who shot a YouTube bully who was fucking with him in a food court? And we all cheered him on? Here James Reeves, gun nut and attorney, breaks it down. Yes, being somewhat cheesy is part of his shtick. In any case, he’s expert on both firearms and related law (ex-military and a practicing attorney.)
