A federal judge says that DeSantis was spreading lies when he called gender-affirming care “mutilation.”

This year has been all downhill for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. His presidential aspirations are going up in smoke thanks to his complete lack of charisma and general campaign incompetence. His losing war against Disney is costing Florida taxpayers millions of dollars. Now a federal court all but called DeSantis a liar for the way he justified his ban on medical care for trans youth.

DeSantis repeatedly claimed that the law was necessary to prevent youth from being “mutilated.” In just one example, he went after one reporter who questioned him about it when he signed the bill last May.

“And when you talk to people and I know, like people in your industry will dress it up with a euphemism, and they’ll say it’s health care to cut off the private parts of a 14 or 15 year old,” DeSantis said. “That is not health care. That is mutilation.”

Tell that to U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle.

  • spider@lemmy.nz
    10 months ago

    His losing war against Disney is costing Florida taxpayers millions of dollars.

    How is this “conservative”?

    • Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      You have fallen for the grift… “conservative” doesn’t refer to money conservation or a cautious disposition towards taking measures. Oftentimes Conservative ideology and politics is neither of those things beong actually more wasteful and sporadic than other political parties …

      At it’s core Conservatism believes in a heirachy that requires effort to conserve from the forces which scatter power horizontally. Social welfare programs, debt relief, market protections, union power and democratic elections are all things which upset the “naturally” forming heirachy like one might conserve a nature preserve. That the heirachy they are fighting is actually fairly artificially enforced isn’t something you are supposed to think about. Originally they were post revolution pacts conserving the power of the old powers… rich land owners , the lords, monarchists, the industrialists, the capitalists, colonization and imperialist powers… And they still kind of are.

      In this instance Disney essentially has power it was granted outside the Conservative veiw of “efficient” heirachy. Disney was fine until they started doing things that conflicted with party directives and exercising their power autonomously. It’s not doing what the officers who veiw themselves as rightful weilders of power want them to do so it must be busted to conserve the food chain.

      Should Disney have that level of sovereignty? Probably not, but watching snakes try and swallow each other starting at the tail is fun.

      • spider@lemmy.nz
        10 months ago

        You have fallen for the grift

        Actually I haven’t; just pointing out how full of shit they are.

        • Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          I find it helpful to leave no muddy water or room for misinterpretation. Conservatives understand hypocrisy well and they prime every one of their folk to not consider or think of it.

          “Conservative” being a reference or implicationto a policy that is expected to be either frugal or tempered by moderation and due concern is basically branding gold. Conservatives LIVE for that shit. It’s why socially progressive people still hold onto “but I am still a little conservative” seed. Because everyone thinks they are moderate and the belief that the Conservatives are cutting services to save money seems to make sense to them. The minute you try and get them on why they cut or outsource social programs they plead money saving and the second you throw a budget in front of the public proving they are still overspending you get whataboutisms, red herrings or logical fallacies because that’s how they train people to think… Or not think rather. They are already trained to let an argument about spending just slide over them and never sink in.