Republicans currently hold a trifecta in New Hampshire, with GOP majorities in the House and Senate and a Republican occupying the governor’s mansion. But control of the House — the largest in the country with 400 members — sits on a knife’s edge. There are 198 Republicans and 195 Democrats, three independents, and four vacant seats.

Republicans “claim that they don’t want to ban abortion anymore, and that they don’t want to change the 24 week ban. And here we are, with a bill from sponsors in both chambers, trying to move the ban to 15 days,” says Alexis Simpson, deputy minority leader of the New Hampshire House. Simpson pointed to other proposals floated by GOP members to restrict abortion, including a Texas-style abortion bounty law in 2021, and 15-week ban that is expected to be introduced in the upcoming session.

    11 months ago

    I’m so angry at these fucks.

    Even if nothing ultimately comes from these bs laws, it wastes so much time and effort. I believe intentionally so. Keep progressives too busy putting out their flaming turd bags to actually make much progress.

    Either way they fycking win while we argue and make jokes and fear for our futures.