Rep. Shri Thanedar (D-Mich.) is revoking his membership in the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) over its promotion of what he said was an antisemitic rally in New York City.

“Today, I am officially renouncing my membership in the Democratic Socialists of America. After the brutal terrorist attacks on Israel, which included the indiscriminate murder, rape, and kidnapping of innocent men, women, and children, I can no longer associate with an organization unwilling to call out terrorism in all its forms,” he wrote in a statement Wednesday.

Thanedar, formerly one of the six members of the DSA in Congress, said that a rally in Times Square on Sunday pushed him to make the decision.

The rally, held just one day after Hamas launched its deadly attack on Israel, was also denounced by other lawmakers and officials.

“Sunday’s hate-filled and antisemitic rally in New York City, promoted by the NYC-DSA, makes it impossible for me to continue my affiliation. I stand with Israel and its right to defend itself. There is no place for moral equivocation in the face of unadulterated evil as we have seen from Hamas,” Thanedar added.

    1 year ago

    And some of those leftists are saying that any actions taken in pursuit of that decolonization are justifiable.

    At the Times Square rally on Sunday, some of the demonstrators were chanting “700”, which was the official death toll of Israelis at the time. I don’t think it’s a crazy stretch to say that this is literally celebrating dead Israelis. At a rally in Sydney, some were chanting “Gas the Jews”.

    What I am not saying is that all leftists are anti-semites or that all are blissfully cheering for the murder of all Israelis. What I’m saying is that this is a perspective that is present among some people on the furthest ends of the left, and it’s a problem that we cannot be blind towards. And before you say it, yes, there is also a lot of Islamophobia on the other side; some at the pro-Israel rally in NYC were chanting something to the effect of flatten Gaza, which is obviously horrific and disgusting as well.

    Some links:

    Harvard student orgs claiming that Israel is entirely to blame for all violence, with the obvious implication that Hamas militants can thus not be blamed for rape and murder.

    Streamer Hasan responding to civilian violence with “there’s no perfect retaliation to apartheid”.

    Palestinian influencer with nearly a million followers saying “No more condemning Palestinian resistance. Radical change requires radical moves” to 71,000 likes. I don’t think murdering infants is an act of radical resistance, personally. This guy also said “Let them call it terrorism. We call it liberation”.

    Leftist podcast Upstream stating “palestinians are reminding us that decolonization is not abstract. it is material. it is violent. it is not popular, it will be resisted and debated by the entire structures of the monstrous colonial world. and it is the only way forward, and it is the only path of life,” to 45,000 likes.

    YouTuber Second Thought stating that there is no such thing as an Israeli civilian and that all Israelis are valid military and hostage targets.

    Former Greek finance minister saying “The criminals are here not Hamas. Not even the Israeli settlers who are killing Palestinians. The criminals are Europeans.” Firstly, if you murder a baby, you are a criminal. Secondly, most Israelis are not of Ashkenazi descent.

    I could go on. Again, my point is not to say that the entire left is like this; responses by actual left-leaning politicians that will always speak towards popularly accepted views show that well enough. But it also cannot be denied that there is a segment of the left that will tolerate, and yes, even celebrate violence so long as it fits their political aim. This should not be tolerated, both because it is deeply immoral, and also because it is political poison.

    Edit: Just as I find more

    Posters for missing Israelis being torn down in the UK.