
The “Rogansphere,” a sprawling ecosystem of podcasts and online shows led by figures like Joe Rogan, has become a powerful cultural force for younger audiences, functioning as a “Fox News for the young.”

With its mix of anti-establishment rhetoric, distrust of Democrats, and casual conversations blending left-leaning and conservative ideas, it normalizes figures like Donald Trump for a disillusioned, lonely audience—particularly young men.

Democrats risk underestimating its influence, as this ecosystem fosters deep listener loyalty and has contributed to a significant shift in young male voters toward Trump.

    4 months ago

    I’ve been a comedy fan my entire life, by and large nobody respected comedians outside of whether or not they make you laugh. I don’t understand how or know when the culture changed so much. These podcasters are comedians. Why is everyone comparing them to News broadcasting companies or any other industry that is supposed to have merit and accountability? At most/best, these podcasts are a long form version of Regis and Kelly or Ellen. You people taking these CLOWNS seriously, is the reason stupid kids and dumb men my age think they should be taken seriously. Joe Rogan is talked about on the news like he’s a fucking politician, why is anyone surprised his show effected politics after YEARS of the news talking about him and politics in the same breath?

      4 months ago

      why is anyone surprised his show effected politics after YEARS of the news talking about him and politics in the same breath?

      Ignoring him won’t make him go away. The reason he affects politics is because culture affects politics. Everything is politics.

      If someone gets on an elevator with 6 people all facing the back wall, even if they don’t understand, they will awkwardly turn to face the back wall like everyone else. If someone sees a bunch of people they respect (read: “he seems like a down to Earth guy”) show their support for Trump, guess what that person is likely to do.

      This is the reason celebrity endorsements—oh yay, Swift endorses Kamala—make the news. It’s not because people think Swift is a politician, it’s because they think she’s likeable and not stupid or cruel enough to actually hurt them.

      And also, bystander effect, it’s much easier to take a stand when you have a leader. To some, Swift is the jumper-cable spark they need to get involved.

      The bottom line is Rogan, podcasts, Tik Tok, Youtube—this is the new media. Democrats can’t keep pretending the only thing people respect is high-brow interviews on 60 minutes.

      I’m young enough. You know what I’ve never seen? A single CNN interview. At best, I watch people on Twitch cover them.

        4 months ago

        News outlets are the reason Rogan is taken seriously. Everything you said isn’t wrong, but it’s ignoring the differences between how “the media” treats Joe Rogan and how it treated other “comedic” figures before him. CNN and just about everyone else, except (maybe) PBS, talked about that bald clown like he was a force to be reconned with.

        It doesn’t matter if people actually watched those news segments. People heard about it because, even though they don’t get views, the major news networks still hold more weight than independent media.

        Would you know who Joe Rogan is if you weren’t already listening to his podcast and he never came up in the news? 5 years before COVID, he was just “the guy from fear factor” for me.

        I’m not suggesting anyone ignore him, I’m suggesting people stop talking about him the way they are. There should be articles about fact checking him without attacking, so his viewers can go to it without feeling bad about watching/listening, not about how important his podcast is. If they weren’t attacking him and instead just fact corrected him in a sort of “by the way” kind of way, this election and COVID would have been a lot different. It’s still possible to do that now.

        Edit: fixed an autocorrect I noticed