A growing number of Democrats are calling on the president to drop out of the 2024 election.

  • noneya@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Becasue that’s a daydream.

    It’s an ideal. Which is exactly what we should be striving for. We shouldn’t have to settle for an octogenarian, ineffective leader just because. The man is losing in every poll and, chances are, he’ll end up costing us the election – worse; the country.

    I understand why Democrats consistently settle for less than they’re worth, but fuck man…time is short. We need to stop fucking settling. If not for us, for our kids and their kids. Because if we just keep settling for “good enough,” we won’t have anymore “daydreams”; we’ll be living in a complete and total nightmare.

    • JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
      3 months ago

      It’s too late for ideals. Can you not see that? We have far too many people that slack-ass for four years at a time and then demand change?

      It doesn’t work that way.

      They want the benefits without having to do anything but whine for it- then they want to know how we got here. The system sucks. But whining about it and staring home during elections isn’t how it gets fixed.

      But they know that.

      So they’re demanding now that shit changes without the need to actually do the work. Essentially, democracy is being held hostage by people that won’t lift a finger to fix it.

      Ideals would be nice if everyone payed attention and did their fair share so that we wouldn’t have to chose between the crypt keeper and a rapist-felon.

      But that’s where we are now. So it’s either shit, or get of the pot so it can be fed to you.

      I’d rather shit.

      • noneya@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        I don’t know, man. The way I see it, you (and those who are still blindly supporting the ghoul) are bigger whiners than anyone.

        You see the cognitive decline, but you don’t want a messy primary. So you close your eyes and tell everyone to keep voting for him. Worse; you attack those who want change - who want to “actually do the work.”

        And to say people aren’t “doing their fair share” is preposterous. The DNC didn’t primary Biden. How are we supposed to do something about him, when a tiny group of people selected our candidate for us. Your answer is to just “grin and bear it?”

        Do you have any idea of what that does? It creates an electorate that is alienated and doesn’t vote. Congrats…you’ve whined us right into a fascist state! Hope it was worth not upsetting the apple cart.

        Seriously, what would the founders say about this approach? Brave men and women who risked their lives, watching the most spoiled group of whiners and social media junkies destroy the government they fought for through inaction. I’m sorry, but that’s not who we are. We must take action, we must call for Biden (and Trump) to quit, and we must find two competent adults to run this race. And if we can’t? Well, that tells us this little experiment is over.

        • JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
          3 months ago

          Fucking hilarious.

          No man. I’m not attacking people who want change. Im attacking people who whine about wanting change but does nothing about it- then threatened to withhold their vote unless their demands are met. I think the founders would be fucking embarrassed to know that Americans turned out this way. And the men and women you so callously used as an argument would be fucking disgusted that you are willing to let a rapist/felon win.

          Everyone should want change. And everyone should do what it takes to get things changed.

          Not sit on their asses and let a tyrant take over just because they didn’t get their way. Which is who I’m attacking.