• TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Yeah, this is why I downvote posts critical of Biden with no mention of Trump. November is a choice between two options.

    • Biden, a squishy liberal who REALLY wants access to the Korporate Kampaign Kash, who is firmly under the thumb of AIPAC, and who views this complicated 21st Century world with a worldview shaped and fixed in the 20th Century.
    • Trump, who will do everything Biden wants to do, gleefully, in your face, combined with direct assaults on gays, transgendered people, minorities, environmentalists, and everyone else on the Left, a complete rework of the US’s system of government, and very likely the replacement of the current standard with a right-wing dictatorship.

    I know, I know. “But jhymesba, there’s Jill Stein and Robert Kennedy!”

    Here’s a simple fact about how our country works. Every vote for Stein or Kennedy is a vote against Biden, and though Stein and Biden are on the left side of the spectrum, we don’t get to add their votes up during the election. If 100 people vote, and 51 vote for candidates on the Left, and 49 vote for candidates on the right, that doesn’t mean the Left wins. We’ve had many cases of 4 Liberals voting for the distraction candidate, meaning the result comes out 47 Left, 4 Left-2, 49 Right, and 49 is more than 47 so all 51 left-leaning voters now get to deal with what we dealt with in 2000-2008 and 2016-2020.

    Trump has made it clear he means to dispense with Democracy if he wins in November. Your Stein or Kennedy or no-vote increases the chance that happens. It sucks that we have to play this stupid game every election with picking the lesser evil, but let’s be clear. The Republicans have sensed the angry Leftists energy in the room, and are gleefully counting on that to ensure they never have to actually win another election ever again.

    And everyone here pushing the meme that we should stay home or vote third party in November is doing the Republicans dirty deeds for them. When I see a post bashing Biden and not mentioning Trump, this is what I see:

    • A useful idiot who doesn’t know they are playing into Trump’s/the GOP’s hands (Stein and her supporters).
    • An opportunistic jerk hoping to make money off of dissatisfaction on the Left (No Labels, RFK jr).
    • A rightwing plant leveraging our dissention to win 2024 and thus subject us to Project 2025.

    All three of those deserve downvotes in my book.