It has long been the case that American women are generally more liberal than American men. But among young Americans, this gender gap has widened into an enormous rift: According to recent Gallup polling, there is a 30-point differencebetween the number of women age 18–30 who self-identify as liberal and the number of men in that demographic who do the same.

That’s largely because young women have gotten much more liberal, while young men have stayed ideologically more consistent—or, according to other analyses, become more conservative and anti-feminist. (Of course, not every person identifies as a man or woman. But gender roles still play a big part in shaping our lives and politics, and in the context of this column, I am focusing mostly on the vast majority of Americans who identify as one or the other.) It’s not happening just here either; the political divide between the sexes is a trend that researchers are observing in some other countries too.

    7 months ago

    [Apologies for the delay in answering, irl busy]

    I’ve experienced racial violence from white men, this doesn’t mean that all white men are racist, and it doesn’t mean that all racist people are violent.

    It’s more akin to saying that there is a serious problem with racism & authoritarianism in republican ideology, and that I therefore cannot call myself a republican (for the record, I don’t agree with US republican ideology in general, but as an example). Your example would be equivalent to “I have experienced misandry from women, therefore all women are misandrists.”

    It is for similar reasons that I don’t relate with the MRA crowd - they bring up a lot of issues affecting men that need to be adressed (the ever-widening gender education gap being an obvious one), but there is also misogynist rhetoric mixed in.

    Truthfully, I first encountered all this through /r/redpill back in the day, and as an inquisitive sort, I ended up reading a lot and deep-diving into statistics and studies. JBP in particular drew people in with pretty sharp grains of truth that (atleast at the time) were seldom discussed elsewhere in society, but nowadays twists the context to fit a more specific narrative (he was a lot more tolerable when he stuck to his own fields of expertise).

    Anyway, I would note that your hypothesis doesn’t detract from what I’m saying. In fact I suspect that the most malicious and enraging actors on both ends of the spectrum are amplified, whether that be to farm clicks, ad revenue, simple rage bait effects or otherwise. Either way, it means that the harm that those malicious actors do is amplified also. What effects does a continuous stream of misandrist messages to boys and young men have on their psyches? People who haven’t lived with the misogynism that in the 1900s was widespread in the western world, who don’t see the supposed irony behind “men bad” messages? Would it not be a travesty of the ages if a billion young men grew up to think that society thinks they are the scum of the earth, and an enemy to be destroyed?

    My conclusion here is that sexism and gender inequality goes both ways - it’s not a zero sum game, and attempting to be kinder, more considerate, as well as calling out harmful rhetoric wherever we see it can go a long way to making our world just a smidge more pleasant. These are times of great change, and perhaps now more than ever, kids need compassion, guidance and understanding.

    Links to third party sources, examples of misandry etc. Most of these are picked up from searches, but there tends to be stuff just floating around on social media, even here on lemmy (usually milder and a bit less cartoonishly over the top. Some of these are clearly ironic, but that doesn’t make it not misandry)

      7 months ago

      It’s more akin to saying that there is a serious problem with racism & authoritarianism in republican ideology, and that I therefore cannot call myself a republican

      But this comes back to the very heart of our discussion. When I give an example that reflects a similar generality as your claim, your rebuttals are to provide a more exacting and nuanced claim.

      This is what I was requesting when you hear about “all men”. That we be more specific with our criticism, and not lumping all feminist (all white men) with radical misandry (racist).

      they bring up a lot of issues affecting men that need to be adressed (the ever-widening gender education gap being an obvious one),

      But is that actually a systemic problem? When there was an education gap in the opposing direction the cause was institutional, school simply did not accept women in certain programs. Are men not being allowed on colleges, or are they simply choosing not to attend?

      JBP in particular drew people in with pretty sharp grains of truth that (atleast at the time) were seldom discussed elsewhere in society, but nowadays twists the context to fit a more specific narrative (he was a lot more tolerable when he stuck to his own fields of expertise).

      JBP hasn’t made an actual insightful statement in his public career. He just relies on misrepresenting data and rhetoric, and ignoring any rebuttal he can’t dissuade. He has no field of expertise, he was a clinical psychologist whom specialized on addiction, and then got massively addicted to benzos. He then blamed his physicians for overprescrbing them, despite the fact that he fully understands the mechanism of addition. He’s a fraud, and always has been. Personal responsibility my ass.

      What effects does a continuous stream of misandrist messages to boys and young men have on their psyches? People who haven’t lived with the misogynism that in the 1900s was widespread in the western world, who don’t see the supposed irony behind “men bad” messages?

      You still haven’t given an example of actual systemic misandry though? My fear lies with statements like with your claim about the education gap. That’s not systemic, it’s still everyones personal choice to pursue higher education, men choosing not to is not an example of systemic abuse.

      What happens when these groups who say it’s a problem go to fix it? Are they going to try and motivate more men to go to school, or they going to take the easy and more traveled route and just limit the amount of women going to school?

      Misogyny was not just “women bad”, it was women have no rights. A woman could not have a bank account, an education, live by themselves, or really have an opinion not held by their husband.

      When you compare the modern claims of misandry, they are nothing like the misogyny of the 20th century.

      Would it not be a travesty of the ages if a billion young men grew up to think that society thinks they are the scum of the earth, and an enemy to be destroyed?

      Lol, but no one really believes that except theennwho have been conned by people like JP or Tate. Young men are being told that their problems exist because women are woke, and are stealing their success from them. In reality the vast majority of everyone’s problems are a byproduct of macro economics, and the other underlying symptoms of globalized late stage capitalism.

      My conclusion here is that sexism and gender inequality goes both ways

      Yes, but to what degree? You obviously think this is a global epidemic, as you previously quoted “billions of young men”. How do you square that hole? America and the rest of the western world may have recently just started to see equality among the sexes, but this is not a reality in most of the world. In the majority of the global population women are still systemically oppressed.

      These same countries like India are huge participants in the men’s rights movement, and are a large audience for people like Tate and JP. How exactly are these men labeling themselves victims of systemic misandry when women in their country are basically property?

      My point is that the amount of people who think they’re being victimized doesn’t necessarily reflect the amount of actual victimization happening.

      Again, this is not systemic abuse. This is a systemic health outcome failure, but this is more akin to not understanding now to treat aspects of a disease than it is a sign that government institution are preventing men from seeking mental healthcare, or only offering mental healthcare to women.

      Again… A single example of one woman hating men, and rightfully being criticized for it. If this is evidence of a greater problem, what do you suppose sub reddits like the black pill/red pill say about the growing problem of misogyny among young men?

      I don’t think this article really helps your argument?

      Again, a person’s opinion that’s being criticized by a liberal news outlet. Not exactly a call to action, or indicative of a wider belief.

      The same, a controversial blogger being highly criticized.

      This is actually an article you should probably read. It does a decent job explaining why this minority of feminist choose to partake in their radical version feminism. I don’t think I agree with it, but it is informative.

      Lol, can’t really believe this is on jstor. First of all, the book is written by a men’s right activist. Secondly, did you actually read any of it? They were blaming things like Clarence Thomas sexually harassing Anita Ward on feminism.

      Again, an anecdotal opinion of a blogger. For every one article like this, I can offer a couple dozen of post from reddit with a lot more hate.

      Behind a paywall for me, but based on the summary it seems to be telling people to reject radical feminist who exclude men.

      Again, an article criticizing it and detailing how they cancelled her event.

      None of these were even close to examples of systemic abuse towards men. Most of them in fact were detailing how the vast majority of society has continued to reject the brand of feminism that you claim is so prevalent.

      Again, I’m not claiming that misandry doesn’t exist. I’m just claiming that it’s not nearly as organized or as widely accepted as misogyny. And I have no real data to suggest that systemic misandry has ever existed at least in America.

      There is a cause and effect happening in this equation, and it is not balanced in favour for women. We can both agree historically that misogyny was well established as a systemic problem. In response to this feminism happened, in response to feminism a certain reactionary class of men attempted demonize feminism.

      This continues into the age of the Internet, as women continue to obtain a sense of equality, men online become more radical. Places like 4chan and reddit start communities that revolve around dehumanizing women. Feminist in response weaponize misandry, which in turn is utilized to recruit more young men into the men’s right movement.

      Our modern situation did not happen in a vacuum, nor was the increase in misandry unprovoked. Misogyny is so prevalent online that people like yourself tend to forget it even exist. You froth at the mouth when one woman at the Huffington post makes a tweet saying “kill all” men, but don’t blink an eye over the thousands of men posting they should be able to rape any woman.