Hmm, i’d be interested in reading this or something similar 🤔
Will there be an english or german version?
Check out my music (please 😔) ☺️
TEASUS (electro with metal drums & guitars)
Hmm, i’d be interested in reading this or something similar 🤔
Will there be an english or german version?
apply a thin coat of silicone spray
My songs are already on spotify, etc.
Are they still viable or will there be copyright issues?
I tend to like assholes;
But not the person kind.
The app has a “places” feature where you can set the locations where a specific alarm is allowed to go off. So you don’t really need a travel qr code.
But the app is a bit weird to configure with their profile-concept, etc. so i needed a few tries to get it right; which is why i have a small qr-code print in my wallet. ☺️
I too use AMDroid math questions but for snoozing.
Too disable the alarm i have to get up, walk to the bathroom and scan a QR-Code next to the mirror.
perhaps, but what’s in it for me?
what even do these prison-labor-slaves produce that’s so precious? are there specific products you guys could boycott?
sorry for the dumb question.
i’m a faraway european and don’t know much.
While it certainly fit’s the description it’s a bit busy, lol.
I might consider a few sections of it though, if i can find a source with high enough resolution.
This is another great one! Thx! ☺️
Looks like a fun situation ☺️ Thx for the suggestion!
omg, what an incredible answer!
Some of these are amazing.
I feel like i need to hang more than the one i planned; turning my little flat into a tiny gallery ^^
No seriously. Great suggestions!
I especially like “The Broken Eggs”, “Hip, Hip, Hurrah!” and “Gin Lane” 🙂
well … this is pretty much perfect 😄
bull are less shy
That’s right; I have to hype myself up to get in the right mindset though.
i put hide on the slide-left gesture.
bitwig studio comes with tons of samples. it’s a fantastic daw.
there’s a reason a lot of ableton users switch over to bitwig.
reaper is also very good, but a bit clunky for edm/techno/etc.
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[x] Maybe
i had something similar on my kubuntu/win7 dual-boot.
iirc i fixed it by disabling the powersave of my wifi-adapter.
don’t remember the exact command at the moment though. 🤔
so, you’re still alive and want do die burning on a boat?
takes a lot of discipline not to jump in the water i guess 🤔
also, who cares if it’s legal. they’re not gonna put your corpse in jail.