He/Him (CIS Male) 🏳️‍🌈|🌍| ♻️

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I think this is why we ended up with Trump. Democrats are tone-deaf. They are more predictable and ‘good’ in the broader sense, but that doesn’t mean they are perfect at all. I am a democrat, and I’m very frustrated with this. I still voted Kamala, despite lack of choice. For whatever good it did.

    Now every day is yet again “Oh no. What did he do today…” for the next FOUR FUCKING YEARS.

    AOC and Bernie, are people I’d like to see getting more of their stuff done.

  • I was looking for this comment. Like literally twice in recent history, Texas has had major issues with power and freezing temps. “Must be all those iced up windmills” they’d have you think. Then they turn around and ask for help and aid while their governor decides Cancun MEXICO (the ‘evil’ border facilitator to the south) is better digs than his own shitty froze over home, saying fuck everyone else in the state, I’ll take those tax dollars on a plane and peace out.

    You know what then Texas, Florida, ALABAMA. 🤬 off, the next time you need disaster aid. Because, you DONT DESERVE IT, UNLESS YOU CHANGE YOUR WAYS, TUBERTUCK!

    Jesus Christ. I’m so sick of this game. Like is it lack of education? Lead in the pipes? I’m… I cannot wrap my head around this preposterous stance. There is a REASON we traditionally do not make disasters a PARTISAN ISSUE. 🤦‍♂️

    After everything, Trump, blah blah. Just. How the fuck did we get here??

    Sorry person I replied to. I just had to get all that out. Otherwise I feel like I’m waiting for the dream to end. To wake up in normalcy.

  • Same, but likely you can demonstrate knowledge and understanding. We have some support from India, and it’s like… really hit or miss. One guy might know a lot (then leaves to better paying job). Otherwise with the low salary the quality is barely acceptable. Difficulty communicating, and often simple computer tasks are still elusive. So if you have and can demonstrate good knowledge and experience of the technologies, you can get a foot in the door.

    Never ever stop self-educating in your field.

  • Have to chime in. I never completed my CS degree because it got too expensive, and I have natural aptitude for computers. I ended up having to work to survive before I could even get the degree. Literally if I hadn’t taken loans at the time I would have been on the streets. I’m sure it’s harder now than when I did it in 2006.

    The degree may have kept me from better jobs, but I kept applying out of my league because I have experience (work) and knowledge (professional and self-taught) which you can’t fake. Someone eventually gave me a chance. Now I work there full time with benefits and I still never finished my degree. It was years of struggling. I even re-trained in medicine at the time and still had trouble getting PAID.

    So my original like 40ishK is now 60K, and no degree. Cool! Right? That was only for 2-3 years of school. If it had actually been affordable instead of a pig slaughter for cash, I would have got the degree.

    Hindsight, it was good experience learning in college. Not worth the cost though. Especially if you can’t finish. The majority of the money went to tuition, required multi-$100 books, gym fees (forced to every student), parking fee which didn’t guarantee parking availability, and many many other nickel-dime expenses they strong arm students over (fees). I didn’t have time to work as a full time student so whatever was left, went to rent. Food. Electric.

    It’s very hard to do this without support from family, and inflation and everything else is worse today. So yeah.

    Learn from my experiences if you can. Maybe it can all be worth it for me, if someone does just that. Bless you all and your journeys.

  • Apparently it lost all power which is rare. It’s in the USA too, that black box.

    I have a curiosity though:

    Two minutes before the Mayday emergency call, air traffic control gave caution for “bird activity”. Declaring emergency, the pilots abandoned the landing attempt and initiated a go-around.

    But instead of making a full go-about, the budget airline’s Boeing 737-800 jet took a sharp turn and approached the airport’s single runway from the opposite end, crash-landing without landing gear deployed.

    So it landed from the opposite way? Is that normal? Why are they so angry about the concrete barrier, if it was on the side where planes should approach from, and not at the opposite side where they land?

    I understand the barrier caused the main fire etc. yes it’s horrible. I’m sorry for all those people. I wonder what the hell happened before it crash landed. Like if they were forced to come from opposite side instead of did the full go around or if it was pilots choice.