Former CEO of Google has been quietly working on a military startup for “suicide” attack drones.::The former Google CEO has been quietly working on a military startup called White Stork with plans to design “kamikaze” attack drones.

    9 months ago

    That is true, and not exactly what I was getting at. I was more talking about stuff like coups or domestic terrorism, where you can cause a way more wast amount of damage if you have autonomous AI weapons.

    Also, there was that one time in the cold war (I think) where the Russian guy refused to launch a nuke, and it turned out it was a false alarm, which has probably saved the world.

    Should i.e. Putin decide to hold onto his power at all costs and started leveling cities in Russia, where most people don’t agree with him, you’d probably get a lot of people in the army who wouldn’t be OK with that. Maybe, I don’t know. But should he have an army of autonomous AI weapons, all he needs is a few guys who do, and know how to launch it.

      9 months ago

      Not true, Russians are brainwashed to think Ukraine is actually Russia and they have been killing “Russians” and levelling “historically Russian cities” and killing “ethnically Russian population”

      If there’s a bullshit excuse to destroy a border town they will do it. Like “rebels took it over” or whatever

        9 months ago

        You are probably right, it wasn’t really a great example. I think that’s probably because Russia is already deep into dictatorship and indoctrination, so the fear-inspired loyalty is deep enough for them to not really need an AI autonomous weapons to do whatever evil they need.

        But the point I was trying to make is that with AI weapons, it’s definitely easier in a more stable and democratic army to get there and cause massive amount of damages, stage a coup or just do domestic terrorism, because you don’t need to convince large amount of people to fight for you. You just need a few who can operate the swarm, and getting loyalty of few people is way easier than convincing an entire army.

        The same can be said about weapons of mass destruction, but most of them are also really difficult to get, and pretty hard to operate - or you can be easily stopped. If you unleash a swarm of murderous autonomous drones, it will not be pretty. And that’s why I hope they will get treated with the same level of respect as nukes do, and not used as a part of common conventional warfare.