Do you have a general stance about it?

Once every couple of months I look into the state of both projects and it’s slow but steadily progressing.

I am mainly looking into it because of the file compression. My tests showed that I can save up to 70% in disk space for a jpg image without losing too much information for both formats, avif and jxl. It depends on the images but in general it’s astonishing and I wonder why I still save jpgs in 100% quality.

But, I could also just save or convert my whole library to 70% jpg compression. Any advice?

    11 months ago

    I always shoot in raw+jpeg with the jpeg quality set to 100%. The raw files have a higher dynamic range and there is little or no processing done to them. The files are large, but storage space is cheap these days. The jpeg files are for convenience and if I don’t like the way they come out, I can process the raw file however I want and export it to whatever format is most suitable for what I’m using it for.