In Denmark when a car reaches 6 years, it needs to be safety checked to be used on the roads. After that it’s every 2nd years.

Tesla model 3 managed these safety checks extremely poorly, with 3 times the average failure rate.

In total, 1,392 errors were found on the Tesla model, which is three times as many compared to the other electric cars.

If you don’t have a translate page button (to your own language), You may want to switch to Firefox. I’m showing the original page in danish, because danish is delicious.

  • Buffalox@lemmy.worldOP
    2 months ago

    due to his arrogance and inability to grasp engineering detail.

    Yeah I just joked with my wife that Musk probably told the engineers to cut the number of parts in the steering from 5 to 3.
    Obviously simplified, since it’s way more parts. In general it’s true that fewer parts is better, but Musk is absolutely insane on the idea, to the degree that basic functionality suffers or is even completely removed.

    I admit I was actually very impressed with Tesla early on, and the Tesla S, and I cheered for them. They helped make electric cars cool IMO. But I quickly began to notice things that I did not like at all. Like his insane promises on FSD when he discontinued cooperation with a company that actually knew what they were doing. His reaction was to spew bullshit about how Tesla was leading the field.
    Also his complete disregard for conditions in the work place, both safety and regarding racism. And his claim that working for him was a “lifestyle” helping to change the world.
    That last part was an enormous red flag! That this man is likely an insane megalomaniac.

    I really really hope the Nazi salutes will backfire in a big way. But probably not.