Not sure why that is, but I have 32 GB of RAM and I would like my system to utilize it as much as possible, but as you can see in the screenshot, the system is only using 5.66 GB of the physical RAM, but swap is still being used in a high number. Is this normal? Should I lower the swappiness to lower than 10? Should I let it be?
I also have a 32gb RAM (30.5 GiB) and a swappiness value of 10. My entire swap is full and my RAM is only filled up to about 3.8 GiB. However my swap is just 512mb small (its not a typo, it’s half a GB). You should not worry too much, even if the swap is in use, because those parts are probably like “parked” ram area that is not in use for a while now and waiting “to be waken up”. And the performance penalty is not that big, if the swap is on a fast NVME SSD. In old days on old slow spinning hard drives, the penalty for using swap was huge (plus the Kernel and rest of operating system was not fine tuned as today).
Some related commands to check:
grep -H swappiness /etc/sysctl.d/*.conf swapon --show free cat /proc/meminfo
Here is an interesting article:
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