CREATE TABLE display ( id INT PRIMARY KEY, display_property TEXT ); INSERT INTO display (id, display_property) VALUES (1, 'block'), (2, 'inline-block'), (3, 'flex'); CREATE TABLE divs ( id INT PRIMARY KEY, inner_html TEXT, display INT REFERENCES display(id) ); INSERT INTO divs (id, inner_html , display) VALUES (1, 'div1', 1), (2, 'div2', 2), (3, 'div3', 3);
.users { id: int !primary-key; name: text; } .users::insert { id: 1; name: "John doe"; } @query (max: 10) { .user { display: table; } .users id { display: none; } }
Thanks, I hate it.
They both feel so wrong, I love it.
I think I need to lie down.
I prefer SQL, because you can pronounce it “sequel” or “es-cue-ell”, and it’s fine. CSS just doesn’t have that kind of flexibility as a language.
CSS also pisses me off because it clearly doesn’t cascade… to contrast SQL is a language, it is used for querying… and it’s structured horribly. Please for the love of God let me
That’s what I sound like whenever I have to tackle that bag of snakes.
I have also heard some say “school”
Well, those people are maniacs
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I like squeal. MS-squeal, my-squeal
Real programmers refuse to refer to MSSQL as anything except TransactSQL or TSQL because 1) MSSQL is a fucking mouthful whether you prefer Sequel or ess-cue-el and 2) because those assholes named their RDBMS SQLServer thud leading to the constant confused “How is the SQL server doing?” 'SQL Server? We’re not a Micro$oft shop…"
The real complex one is whether you’re a postgre-ess-cue-el, postgres-cue-el, postgres-ess-cue-el, postgre-sequel, postgres-equal or postgres-sequel aficionado… and if you enjoy postgres-equal please fucking leave now. gave me the skull idea so PostegreSQL is now post-gre-skull
You sure you don’t want to postgres-kull?
Skoll! I like it!
i’m leaning towards “skull” tho
“I dropped a table with skull”
it has a nice ring to it
Oh. Now I want one of these for every pairing. Vim vs Windows. Bubble Sort vs. SODIMM. The beauty is, with LLMs, I can have it! Enter two of any computer terms, and ChatGPT spits out a comparison. And why stop with computer stuff? Eukayryotic vs Republican! The War of 1812 vs The Kessel Run!
I think the real question on all of our minds is which is better: JavaScript or megabytes
Is this chatGPT generated?
Having worked with tables in both I’m partial to French.
Filing cabinets or oil paints? Which is better?
Tried to store documents in paint and it ruined the documents, 0/10
I’ll let you know how my file cabinet art show goes
This is a pretty roundabout way of saying back-end vs front-end.
What in the actual fuck
Of cour
Obviously CSS
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