I might not have been a raging, bleeding-heart, anti-capitalist liberal had Trump not gotten elected in November 2016. Until then I might have considered myself apolitical with no strong political ambitions. Seeing riots opened up the world to me, his election wasn’t a stupid joke but an injustice on all the people Trump essentially campaigned on fucking over.
Another crazy moment was the second time I got high on weed. I was super panicked at first, but when I went to bed, all of a sudden abstract art made sense to me as I had visions and felt a connection to their work even if I didn’t know their name. That high had residual effects the next day and I had felt changed somehow.
yea I had the same reaction. In the US I think it bears a different meaning, they equate liberal with the left. Even though it hardly makes sense, it’s the usage
I might not have been a raging, bleeding-heart, anti-capitalist liberal had Trump not gotten elected in November 2016. Until then I might have considered myself apolitical with no strong political ambitions. Seeing riots opened up the world to me, his election wasn’t a stupid joke but an injustice on all the people Trump essentially campaigned on fucking over.
Another crazy moment was the second time I got high on weed. I was super panicked at first, but when I went to bed, all of a sudden abstract art made sense to me as I had visions and felt a connection to their work even if I didn’t know their name. That high had residual effects the next day and I had felt changed somehow.
Sorry but “anti capitalist liberal”? But liberalism is capitalism
it’s amazing how many people think “liberal” = “leftist”
We can blame America for that
yea I had the same reaction. In the US I think it bears a different meaning, they equate liberal with the left. Even though it hardly makes sense, it’s the usage
Yes, as others have pointed out I’m discussing from the North American political perspective (Ontario, Canada).
Got it 👍