cross-posted from:

Cross-posting here for more opinions.

Gentlemen, just for context, I usually use Linux. I have been a user of Debian, Ubuntu, and Fedora for a few years.

Recently, I acquired a decent graphics card (GeForce RTX 4070) and decided to uninstall my Windows and install Linux.

I saw that Pop!_OS already has an image with everything pre-configured for Nvidia. Is this pre-configuration worth it, are the games more stable on this distribution, or is it the same as manually installing Nvidia’s proprietary drivers on Manjaro?

    5 months ago

    I will make my case clear of what I meant earlier:


    • Doesn’t understand by everything that has already been mentioned under this post why one is considering Manjaro.
    • But, I am glad to hear that it has been working lovely for some people.
    • Doesn’t accuse those who’ve enjoyed using Manjaro for lying, being not genuine or misrepresenting reality.


    • Argue why Manjaro should be considered.
    • Mention how your experiences don’t quite align to the ones others are experiencing.
    • Your reception to concerns:

    That page is not legit criticism, it’s a bunch of nonsense. It misrepresents what Manjaro does, outright lying in some cases, it fails to understand how package updates and AUR work, it glosses over the fact that Manjaro helped the AUR infrastructure. It’s prejudiced information made out specifically to make it look bad.

    There is not one pertinent criticism in there. It’s all meaningless drivel presented as legit concerns.

    I suppose I don’t need to spell it out for ya. How about, instead of taking the subject to other places, you address the following elephant in the room:

    All of that is cool and all, but trust is what it’s all about.

    • Do you aknowledge that trust is the end all be all for considering a distro?
    • Do you outright deny every single thing mentioned in the infamous Manjarno?
    • If so, are you aware of any place where (with facts) a rebuttal (or something similar) can be found?
    • If not, could you write up one yourself? So that we may benefit from that as a community.

    I like for the truth to prevail. And for injustice to be stopped. If Manjaro is actually accused of crimes they’ve not committed and if (therefore) misinformation is spread, then I’d desire that the world is ridden of that fake news.