Been high nonstop for years. I realize it’s bad for my health. But at least being high feels good.

My future is on a planet becoming increasingly unhabitable, under a government becoming increasingly fascist, doing nothing but working and still not being able to afford rent or food, never traveling, never making real friends much less finding a life partner, water quickly becoming a luxury, and with zero chance of ever retiring.

So why even bother?

    7 months ago

    If I may, let me rephrase what givesomefucks said:

    Do not focus on the “ bigger picture”; it’s not something that can be easily fixed by you. Instead, focus on smaller things within your bubble of life; e.g., been putting off the laundry? Go do it real quick. All of it: wash, dry, fold, and put away. Been meaning to clean your bathroom for a while? Do it. Wash the counters and the mirror; wipe the toilet down (even the back of the base).

    If it helps, make a laundry list of things you need to get done or want to do (they don’t all have to be chores). This will help get them out of your head and organized in a way that you can tackle each b item easier. And while you don’t want to pressure yourself to get them all done “right now”, give yourself reasonable deadlines to help hold yourself accountable.

    The idea is to build up these little wins; they feel good when they’re complete, and also enrich your life in some way at the same time. It will also help build up your confidence, as you’ll run out of simple stuff and start focusing on slightly more complex things.

      7 months ago

      To add to this, I find it helpful to think about “what I’m doing today makes tomorrow easier” (or what can I do with these 15 minutes to smooth tomorrows hassles)