What we’re seeing now is that this is much closer to the ideology of traditional Republican
Right? They’re actively courting moderate Republican voters, but those voters are to the right of right-wing Dem voters. At the same time, Dem Party is punching down at the left side of its own “big tent”, giving in to none of the demands asked.
So far the only thing on offer from Dem party to leftists is derision and shame, and while shaming (and Trump fears) might work short term, if the Dem party won’t budge the leftists will simply leave. Then one morning “moderate” dem voters will wake up to find themselves on the “extreme” left of the party they thought they knew.
I don’t see why we can’t both be right. The R’s are fracturing and the Democratic party is moving rightward as it absorbs the moderate Rs.
Yes, they do. My larger point (mentioned in a separate comment) is, after the dust of the election settles, which voters will the Democratic party cater to? They aren’t just gonna let those modeRate voters sit and spin, right? Leftwing Democrats are democrats too and they’ve been hoping for a chance to pull the party left. Things important to leftists are kinda getting ignored this campaign in favor of hard right Dems, and leftists of course must vote for kamala and hope to use their voices, after getting her elected, to try n move the party left.
For leftists, watching the DNCs embrace voters to the right of the entire Democratic party is like watching that dream die in real time.