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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Less than 1% of Palestinians are Jews. 93% Muslim. 6% Christian. The homes in question were stolen in previous centuries from Jews and the society was in shambles. The people moved were half a million at most. Gaza and the West Bank are quite nice regions containing beaches and workable land. They had no representative government and were subject to the fallout of a war and a collapsed government. Given the circumstances, they made out with more than they were owed.

    Israel funding Hammas is a common misconception used as propaganda. It made concessions to try and help it reform, such as work visas. It was trying to keep the peace. Sure, there are factions in the Israel government that want to use Hamas as a wedge between a unified Palestine, but saying that it was straight up getting funding is skipping some nuance.

  • Here is a great copypasta on all this:

    DNA studies have determined that ALL biological Jews of the various subdivisions–Ashkenazim, Mizrahim and Sephardim–are related to one another. ALL biological Jews have also been determined to have genetic roots in the Southern Levant and are related to the Canaanites.

    Archaeology has repeatedly confirmed that the Jewish peoples originated in the Southern Levant thousands of years prior to Arabs leaving the Arabian Peninsula. Archaeology has also repeatedly confirmed that the presence of Arabs and the Arabic language in the Middle East and North Africa everywhere outside of the Arabian Peninsula, including the Southern Levant where Israel is situated, is the result of past imperialist colonialist expansions and forced assimilations.

    Historic records repeatedly emphasize not only the Indigenous presence of Jews in the Southern Levant, but the fact that there remained a number of them in the Southern Levant to meet every outside group which came into the region, including Arabs. Even Arabic and Ottoman Empire historical records confirm that Jews were in the Southern Levant before them.

    Case in point, the historic and linguistic origins of the name, “Jew.” European languages call Jews “Jude,” “Jew,” etc, because they are shortened derivations from “Judean.” A “Judean” is a native of “Judea” which was one the historic Jewish nations in the Southern Levant which predates Arabs arriving in the Southern Levant. Even the terms that Arabic speakers use for Jews, “Yahud” and “Yahudi,” testify that Jews are the Indigenous population of the Southern Levant. As there is no “J” sound in Hebrew, the actual name of “Judea” was “Yahuda.” A “Yahud” or “Yahudi” is a native of the historical Southern Levantine nation of “Yahuda.” Descendants of Egyptian Mizrahim Jews, frequently get called “Yahud” by Arabs in the US despite not publicly wearing any outward signs because they recognize the phenotype.

    Rome–an imperialist colonialist power not indigenous to the Southern Levant–erasing the linkages between Jews–ie Judeans–and their homeland–Judea–by renaming it Syria Palaestina after the Bar Kochba Revolt to punish the Jews–ie Judeans. Then, the British Empire–an imperialist colonialist power not indigenous to the Southern Levant–renamed the region, Palestine.

    Also reference the historical documentation of the Ottoman Empire–a Middle Eastern Imperialist colonialist power–which records that they shipped European converts to Islam from the Balkans, Russia and Ukraine to the Southern Levant as colonialists where they ended up assimilated into Arabic language and culture. It ignores the historical records, genealogies, genetic tests and even surnames which indicates that Palestinian Arabs’ families came from various parts of the Middle East and North Africa. This can be seen with such surnames as “al Masri” and “al Misr” which indicates that their families were from Egypt. It can be seen in surnames such as “al Tikrit” and “al Mosul” which indicate that those families came from the cities of Tikrit and Mosul in Iraq. It also can be seen in the surname “al Hind” which indicates that those families came from the India-Pakistan-Bangladesh region. It can be seen in clan names which have been documented to have originated on the Arabian Peninsula in what is now Saudi Arabia, such as “Erakat” and “Harbi.” And this email ignores the historical records which documents that a minority of the founding population of today’s Palestinian Arabs were Indigenous Jews, Indigenous Christians, Indigenous Druze and the descendants of Roman and European Crusader colonists whom were forcibly converted to Islam and forcibly assimilated into Arabic language and culture by past imperialist colonialism.

    Indigenous Jews were illegally ethnic cleansed from what is now Palestinian Authority controlled territory and eastern Jerusalem during Jordan’s illegal invasion and illegal occupation despite the Indigenous Jews being there for centuries before Arabs left the Arabian Peninsula. It ignores the fact that Jordan illegally replaced the Indigenous Jews there with its Arab citizens whom its rulers decided to exile. It ignores the fact that Egypt during it’s illegal invasion and illegal occupation of Gaza treated Gaza like an open air prison by exiling its prisoners there.

    Hamas and the Palestinian Authority violate human rights, the women’s rights, the LGBTQ rights and the religous rights of their citizens. They do not allow elections. Villages like that of US Representative Rashida Harbi Tlaib’s grandmother aren’t allowed to choose their own village leaders, the Palestinian Authority chooses them. And what they call “Israeli occupation” isn’t occupying their territories. It is controlling border regions to keep weapons away from them and terrorists out of Israeli territory. Otherwise, Israel lets Hamas and the Palestinian Authority control their own territories.

    Historical documentation records that Jews from all of the major divisions of the Jewish peoples–Ashkenazim, Sephardim and Mizrahim–had ties with the Jews whom never left the Southern Levant. Ties which included intermarriage and moving there to join their Southern Levantine relatives centuries before modern Israel was refounded. It ignores the historic documentation which records that the British Empire–which is not indigenous to the Southern Levant–in addition to allowing Arabs to illegally immigrate to the “Territory of Palestine” where they weren’t indigenous also actively tried to prevent Jews from joining their Indigenous relatives in the Territory despite the international mandate which recognized the Territory as the Jewish homeland and required the British to facilitate Jewish resettlement there as the returning Indigenous population, not Arabs. Thus, it is the Palestinian Arabs whom are in the Southern Levant as the result of imperialist colonialism, not Jews. Jews are there as the result of the Zionist Indigenous rights movement despite imperialist colonialism.

    Human rights are afforded to its citizens by Israel. Israel protects religious rights, women’s rights and LGBTQ rights. By way of contrast, this email ignores the fact that all of the Arab powers surrounding Israel, including the Palestinian Authority and Hamas in Gaza, persecutes LGBTQ and non-Muslims which has resulted in refugees seeking asylum in Israel. It ignores the violations of women’s rights in the Arab powers surrounding Israel. And it ignores the Apartheid ethnic cleansing of JIMENA (Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa), such as my Egyptian Jewish ancestors, from Arab nations and from the parts of Gaza and from the parts of Palestinian Authority controlled territories which Indigenous Jews once lived in for centuries before Arabs left the Arabian Peninsula.

    Over half of Israel’s Jewish population consists of JIMENA whose families were forcibly, and in some cases genocidally, expelled from Muslim countries. It ignores the Apartheid restrictions which non-Muslims have to live under in Arab nations.

    You can’t ignore the genocide that Assad’s Syria committed against a Palestinian Arab refugee camp. It ignores the Apartheid restrictions which Arab nations place on Palestinian Arab refugees in their countries which deny them paths to citizenship, the rights to movement within the countries, the rights to certain educational training and the rights to work in certain careers. It also ignores the fact that Israel allows Arab–Christian and Muslim–citizens to live where they choose, worship as they choose as long as they respect the rights of others, be educated as they choose, work in the careers of their choice, serve in the military and serve in the government.

    There is a history of the Arab world’s wars with Israel. It was the Arab nations whom forced Palestinian Arabs to leave the region and become refugees after the Arab powers attacked Israel. Israel assimilated the JIMENA whom were expelled from Muslim countries–whom incidentally outnumbered the Palestinian Arabs whom became refugees. The Arab nations whom forced Palestinian Arabs to flee and become refugees have refused to assimilate those refugees and actively persecutes them.

    The long history of Palestinian Arabs committing acts of violence against Jews which predates the re-founding of modern Israel and continues until today. Hajj Amin al Husseini, a former Jerusalem Mufti, incited violent attacks on Jews during the 1920s and 1930s. And during WW2, he joined the Nazis, talked the Nazis into killing European Jews instead of deporting them to what is now Israel, became the Nazi’s Arab world propagandist and led an all Bosnian SS Einsatzgruppen unit which rounded up and mass shot Eastern European Jews. And this instructor’s email ignores the genocidal statement of intent against Jews worldwide in Hamas’s founding charter.

    Your words could be perceived to be incitement against Israel and Jews by mischaracterizing the Zionist Indigenous rights movement of Jews as colonialism and imperialism when all of the evidence supports the Jews as being the Indigenous population of the region, not the Palestinian Arabs. By mischaracterizing the Palestinian Arabs as the indigenous population of the region when all of the evidence supports that they are there as the result of past imperialist colonialism, this instructor’s email creates the false impression that Jews are the colonialist aggressors in the region as the result of imperialism against whom an indigenous population is resisting. When in reality, it is the Jews whom are the Indigenous population whom is resisting the aggression of colonialist Palestinian Arabs in the region as the result of multiple instances of imperialist colonialism.

  • Please read up on the Six Day War where Egypt, Syria, and Jordan were attempting to blockade Israel from the Red Sea and mobilized their troops in the Sinai, posturing themselves for all out war with Israel. The result was that Israel gained Gaza and the West Bank. Therefore, the Palestinians are refugees of war. Israel has worked to broker peace over and over again, but the Palestinians keep blowing shit up. Many muslims simply don’t value human life. It’s not an apartheid. It’s a blockade to protect Israel from crazy people.

    EDIT: I should also add that in the years after the war, including the Camp David Accords, Israel offerered to return the territory to Egypt, as long as Egypt could ensure that the Palestinians wouldn’t send rockets at Israel, since that would be considered Egypt attacking Israel. Egypt declined many times. It didn’t want Palestine back. You are all for the self-determination of Palestine, but when their elected body declares war on Israel and Israel responds in kind, that is when you have issues. They reap what they sew.

  • Jews are the natives. Literally the Aramaic way of saying Jew means of the Levant region. You have no clue what you are talking about. Palestinians are refugees that no one wants. Not even their Islamic brethren in other countries. Israel worked to negotiate many peace deals and even had a work visa program. The apartheid-style sanctions were due to security constraints because the Palestinians kept blowing shit up. If people the next town over from you drive into your town an burned down your house randomly, you would eventually put up military checkpoints as well. Many of the radicalized Palestinians don’t appreciate Western culture and think that it’s an affront of their religion. They want women to have minimal rights. It blows me away that many left-leaning individuals want to help support their backwards culture of misogyny.

  • Agreed. The only thing to add to this is that government systems are voluntary and propped up by the people. The reason our current system actually works so well is because there is already a strong sense of local governance and accountability albeit on some rails. Each state defines the types of organized entities that if will sanction. In NJ for example, we have townships, but you could also register using other systems like village, etc. If they wanted to appease the libertarians a little, they could potentially allow for that experiment to exist in the same way that Indian reservations are their own systems.

  • It is a more complex topic than these students understand. Whether elected or not, the government of your region represents you. You can either choose to go along with there agenda, oust them, or leave. If you stay, you are subject to their whims. The whole, “you took my land” point holds no water in global politics. Just like mergers and acquisitions in business, countries change hands. The rules change. No one possesses the Earth or a specific plot of land in any sense beyond what can be inferred through the social contract of your government. There government collapsed. A new one formed with new rules. This is the way of the world. Your deed is only as good as the authority of the land deems it.

    Building upon social contracts, and continuing to work off many concepts from Locke’s Treatises of Government; something these students should have read, someone who declares war can be met with the same. This is the breakdown of civil discourse. In the case of Gaza, the government chose that path at the detriment to their citizens. War is by its nature an indiscriminate mess. We should all strive for peaceful discourse. The issue here is that one side has been teaching their young to hate the other for allowing liberalism and egalitarianism into their communities. They are rigid and believe in a system where women and gender fluid are inferior. They have been unwilling to come to the table and Hamas’ constitution basically calls for the eradication of the Jewish race.

    In conclusion, being pro-Palestinian and properly calling out that there is no excuse for terrorism is somewhat acceptable, which is not what these students did. Being against Palestine because a territory with several million people should simply assimilate into the larger country surrounding them is in fact the logical best choice. They don’t have to give up their culture, except for the parts that call for war against others for being different. They live in segregated apartheid because they chose to cut themselves off from Israel. Deals have been offered to assimilate them into society have happened for years. They live as a failed region, propped up by charity. Their experiment in micronation didn’t work. Not Israel’s fault. It would have helped their cause if they could control the militants firing rockets at a sovereign nation, but alas it was their own government all along.

    1. Muslim: Around 90-95% of the population. 2. Christian: Approximately 1-2% of the population. 3. Other or non-religious: The remaining 2-9% of the population.

    I agree that ethnostates are not a good thing, but that is clearly what Palestine is, hence their ridiculous bullshit. Israel is a least making an attempt at being non-denominational in government. It is a safe haven for Jews, but it does not have a national religion and is careful to not make laws that raise one religion over another. The current administration is less tolerant of those rules and isn’t that great, but the conflict has been around longer than them. The whole homeland argument is so outdated. The Jews got pushed out by them many years prior. It’s been a back and forth for centuries. They need to share, but the Palestinians are mostly Muslim and are assholes. They are responsible for causing violence instead of brokering peace. They started a war on there home turf. They are the reason people are getting killed. Are you denying that they launch rockets are Israel from within their civilization areas because that shit’s well documented.