Misinformation & Propaganda
Misinformation & Propaganda
You’re in a thread complaining about a software using a German name for it’s German meaning. Your example for a ‘good German name’ is an English word that has German origins.
Uber is a loan word. Doesn’t matter how your perceive it, that doesn’t make it a more German. So is iceberg.
You’re in a thread complaining about a software using a German name for it’s German meaning (Flohmarkt means flea market). Your example for a ‘good German name’ is an English word that has German origins. Don’t you see how those are different?
‘uber’ is an English word with a German ethnology. ‘über’ is a German word. That’s like saying iceberg is German. u and ü are different letters. They are pronounced differently and change the meaning of words (e.g. ‘Schuppe’ means scale, ‘Schüppe’ means shovel)
über? which you’d spell ueber, if you can’t type ü
Like eBay, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon?
Which is also reasonably close to the German pronunciation (which is something like Flo-marked to an English speaker)
Uber isn’t a German word tho?
Your internal meetings constitute legitimate interests and will be shared with our 8 billion partners
[ ok ]
That’s the lizardman constant
Treat them like people, not cattle
They were sent in a military aircraft, in shackles. Colombia didn’t let the military aircraft land. Now they’ve been sent on a commercial flight, which wasn’t a problem for Colombia
There’s a typo in the title
Now I want F-Druid to be a thing
Headline is confusing, this is the DRC they’re talking about. Congo is a different country
“we investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing”
The ADL exists to peddle Zionism and conflate it with Antisemitism, and to defend Israel’s interests. Do not take them serious. Listen to other Jewish voices, like the Holocaust survivors who are actively warning about the US sliding into fascism for years now. This was absolutely meant as a Hitler salute, and to pretend otherwise is disingenuous
No don’t you understand, morality is solely derived from legality
Don’t care too much about the supposed hardening, but it’s on FDroid and has UnifiedPush, so I use it over Signal
I know you’re joking, but we do not want retroactive laws