I can buy that. I live in the North West and this description doesn’t fit MAGA here.
He’s white, Christian, and male. That’s a about where the similarity ends.
He’s a professional making good money, drives a nice car has a nice family, never watched NASCAR or wrestling, doesn’t care about sports, went to college, comes from a line of immigrants who “made it” in America by the sweat of their own brow which is a source of pride, without even a tangential connection to slavery, and weirdest, hated Trump. He thought Trump was disgusting in 2015. Now won’t hear a bad word about him.
Legend is the first suicide hotline was created after a girl killed herself because she had her first period.
People kill themselves for lots of reasons, but some of those reasons are just ignorance. I feel certain any suicide hotline could have helped her out if she’d called one.