Thanks and we can dream
CS Student and developer on my free time.
Thanks and we can dream
Sure, i need to send them to github as well, tonight once i’ve got home from work i will post the link here
I prefer camel case
That is what hope and dreams are made of
All the purple ones
I use doom emacs and have to say, it takes everything that I like about vim and adds to emacs, plus a lot of useful features that i would have to install myself otherwise that can be enable by just uncommenting a feel lines in the config file.
It’s can feel a bit bloated at first but allows me to have the perfect IDE (for me at least) in a matter of minutes.
And the best of all is that I don’t need to use the emacs keybinds if I don’t wanna (and I don’t).
I’m the first and the last, it depends on my mood
It will never be too much milk
The milk, the serial needs something to plug in
I will keep this legacy alive within my code
MOM! The kid next door had a stroke again!
Like a enthusiast once said “People don’t quit emacs, they just die at some point”.
This remind me of the “Print your most salient lines of code and bring to me”
It’s time to show off my java hello world with 7 errors on line 34
If i knew it before, now my brain just knows that it need to press shift on the terminal
This is a problem in a lot of sites, the quick fix normaly is to use a new tab or to find a mobile client, i use lemmy on liftoff, but there are other good apps too like jerboa.
Put everything inside a try except block and if something goes wrong make it print “i’m sowwy, i made a oppsie daisy UWU”
Here are the dot files as promised