I dont know you, but this sounds like narcissistic personality disorder.
A lifetime of supressing sexual urges inevitability turns into something very ugly. And children are vulnerable and easily manipulated by adults into keeping quiet. Its fucking disgusting, to say the least.
I’m pretty new to Linux, so not sure if this is the best option. But I’ve been playing around with the Fedora KDE spin now that it’s an official version. Really been enjoying it so far! Much prefer KDE to GNOME.
Wtf is tsundere?
Hey, happy for you!
Sounds like you’ve had a pretty easy life
They just want meat for the meat grinder.
JustZ pretty much exclusively simps for Israel. Either they get a kick out of arguing with strangers, or else they just really, really don’t have anything better to do with their time. Don’t waste your energy.
Green light, happy shopping!
If my retail experience is any indication, acknowledging customers in this situation is a bad idea. Before you know it, the conversation turns to “I just need one thing!” Or “I promise I’ll be really quick!” and you have to become the asshole to tell them no… Even though the store hours are clearly listed on the front door.
Or if you agree even once, the conversation could easily become “but you did it for me/my friend last time!”
I’ve literally had people sneak into the store using an exit, then act all indignant because I tell them to leave. You give some of these fuckers an inch, they’ll take a mile.
Here’s a tip I’ve found useful: if I show up somewhere after closing time and find that the door is locked, it’s because the store is closed.
David Attenborough
Seems like Proton is branching out into a lot of new areas lately. Possibly too many? I’d prefer it if they’d work on improving their current offerings first…
Russian trans politician… Damn, talk about going through life on hard mode.
Not how I personally interpreted the question, but that’s a fair point.
Even if that’s the case though, I don’t see why anyone would have to keep it a secret. To quote a favourite ‘girl song’ of mine…“Why’d you have to go and make things so complicated?”
Attributing gender to someone’s song preferences has to be the strangest example of mental gymnastics I’ve seen for a while.
Well said, I couldn’t agree more.
I say fuckin DO IT. Itll suck in the short term. But will light a fire under our asses to pursue trade relationships with countries that arent run by a narcissistic, tiny peckered fuckwit and his nazi cronies.
I dont hate Americans but I hate American government. Smell ya later cunts. In the meantime :