Why you decided to ask this question whilst hypothetically in the shower, im not sure i want to know
Why you decided to ask this question whilst hypothetically in the shower, im not sure i want to know
I find if I have NTFS problems, throw it back on windows, do a disk repair then come back to Linux.
Also remember to fully shut down (not sleep or hibernate) windows before removing the disk so windows doesn’t lock up anything
Edit: the error actually tells you the latter of what I mentioned… So back to windows you go for a shutdown before removal
Most people have answered doing a rollback is the best way. I usually find some updates break things then later updates dont have the issues.
But I wanted to add if you go in to yast snapshots and double click a snapshot you can actually select specific changes to rollback via checkboxes. I’ve not tried this yet though because of dependencies and whatnot
Thunderbird on OpenSUSE
Are you saying the drive still shows up on the side as ejectable? Or the mount directory is still there?
If the latter what directory is it mounted to? May just be as simple as deleting that directory if its empty. (Assuming its like /media/xxx/ or /mnt/yyy/)
Check with lsblk command if anything is in those directories
I could be wrong but I thought fstab only runs those commands on boot? If so you’ll need to manually unmount using “umount” for now. It shouldnt be there next reboot
Scroll down about ¾ way down the sparkfun page that you linked, to the section that says “Linux” and follow those instructions
Read the readme file, either by opening in a text editor or typing “nano readme.txt” (then Ctrl+x to exit)
Type “make” and see if that works. If it complains, install what its complaining about
Just did a search on fdroid
Servdroid looks 11 years old
LWS is about 5 which might still work
If you really need a web server you can possibly run one on termux, not sure if root required though
If its just file sharing, see the other comment
Amaze and Material Files are open source and can create an ftp server
They had a very very similar thing in bicentennial man
Now explain why some people are “down for things” while others are “up for it”
This, as well as the fediverse’s double edged feature that stuff pretty much can never be deleted (only “requested”).
This sounds like a privacy nightmare
Are you a beaver? 'Cos DAM
Having to wind back a cassette or vcr with a paperclip or spoon if the strip got tangled, or even just having to wait for the player to forward/rewind
Yep it was a struggle to find. I checked website, issues and then finally made a last attempt at the change logs. It should be advertised more for that added piece of mind.
I didnt mean to shoot your app down by the way, in case it came across that way. Ive never used these apps
Thanks for developing your version though. People like you make this community what it is :)
Encryption and password protection is in the changelog for drips first version v0.0.1 - 5 years ago
I couldnt find your app on fdroid btw
VSCodium is less bloated
Understand its not your fault and you shouldnt blame the world. Everyone goes through this at some point (esp guys) - be it skinny, fat, coloured or not, tall or short. Everyone has their preferences.
Giving up on actively finding a girlfriend is probably the best thing to do in your situation - but not out of spite - some women find an attractiveness in someone who has fun in their own presence. People want to be a part of that joy. Being bitter will only drive away friends and potential relationships.
With that said, do your own thing. If being skinny bothers you (and you alone, not what anyone else thinks), hit the gym and eat more? Try more activites either solo or with friends. Maybe even some extreme sports which a partner would otherwise not join you in. Just enjoy life and someone will come. I know people who found relationships in the most unexpected of times and places.
I understand theres an inch in the intimate department that cant be scratched with just normal friendships but idk, resist tbe urge or find other outputs to bring your urges back down enough so you can just be you and comfortable