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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • Rofl. Biden/Harris trying everything they could to circumvent the blockade to get supplies into Gaza. Trump literally saying he wants to expel the remaining Palestinians and take their land for himself.

    You will never admit you were wrong. You will go to your deathbed self assured with yourself that you never compromised on your ideals no matter what actually happens to Gazian Palestinians.

    If it wasn’t abundantly obvious to the rest of ya’ll before, these soapbox “never genocide” bad actors never gave a single shit about what happens Palestinians.

  • Very well said. I hated Harris’ “economic plan.” It wasn’t going to make a dent. It might get some people in rural passover states afford a home, which is great for them, but would do nothing but maybe raise costs of entry level tiny condos in any city.

    But I do think they accomplished a lot in Biden’s term. If you compare the US’ inflation to other 1st world countries, we recovered far better. We were moving in the right direction. It would have been far worse with Republicans.

    And they accomplished all that with a festering rot of DINO obstructionists in the senate, and a republican controlled House. They did an amazing job with the limitations they had.

    But they didn’t adequately lay the blame in the right hands. They didn’t address greedy corporate Housing speculation. They tried and failed to reign in “shrinkflation”. And they failed to bring some sanity to the immigrant blaming, and instead somewhat joined in on it.

  • The “fight for $15” (minimum wage increase) has been going on for so long with zero [Federal] success that, due to inflation, it ought to be renamed “fight for $30” by now.

    And the side that won has been fighting the minimum wage hike for “so long”. Who’s the enemy of the working class again?

    The lip service given in supporting unions was belied by how Biden fucked over the railroad workers.

    This is a lie that has been repeated time and time again. He fast followed the end of the strike with helping the workers get exactly what they wanted. He aided their negotiations AND got our supply lines back on line.

    Inequality (the gap between the working class and the 1%) is continuing to spiral out of control and the Democrats had very little to say about stopping it. It’s important to remember that “tax the rich” was only supported by the progressive subset of the Democratic Party.

    Again, which party is it giving the mega wealthy tax breaks? Who is appointing billionaires to run the government? Who controlled the House and prevented tax reform from going through?

    We need zoning reform coupled with switching from property tax to land-value tax, to stop enabling the hoarding of underdeveloped property by protecting it from market forces (i.e. real reforms to make housing affordable again).

    That is state level reform. Obviously.

    We also need things like vigorous enforcement of anti-trust law and consumer protection laws, so that the public feels (and is) less exploited by corporations.

    No argument there, but which party is constantly eroding our current regulations that protect consumers and workers?