Because it is a source of addiction imho
Because it is a source of addiction imho
Lemmy is my primary I lurk nowadays, I only visit reddit through google sometimes. I also use Discord with most of my friend groups, I need to use Facebook Messenger occasionally because of some friends and family. For entertainment, Youtube and Twitch only (I do have premium for yt though… I know it’s not nice)
With 1GB RAM you’re better off with 32bit anyway, as applications will use less memory. Sick setup though, I hate electronic waste so it delights me to see sim old tech getting a second life.
Hungarian as well. Tomorrow = holnap, overmorrow = holnapután. You can also stack the ”után" if you so wish, like holnapután-után. But more than that and you will get some curious looks from others :)
I think it’s more important than ever. Software is getting slower and slower, and the bloat is ridiculous. Imho this is because we just work with abstractions over abstracions ignorant to how it will be computed on a real machine. I think a more appropriate methapor would be, that you can speak and understand language (program) while being illiterate at the same time (not having a fundamental understanding on how a computer works). Of course this is a exaggeration, you don’t need to know about these stuff to be a adequate programmer I think.
Ooooh, I love GeckOS, rolls off the tongue silky smooth. Maybe this is just a great opportunity to rebrand (again)
This kid is gonna get rich if they stick to it
Do some druuuugs
Edit: Nah, jk. I do play too much Deep Rock Galactic tho, which might as well be a drug
Jonathan Blow said he might try his hand at creating an operating system (maybe after finishing his programming language Jai, and his gargantuan Sokoban game :)) Sadly it’s unrealistic another operating system will be created for the general public without massive funds.
Such hateful ideas are a symptom which can have wast variety of root cause. Your example is quite extreme and I agree it rightfully warrants hatred, but I’d argue that it’s all the more reason to not dismiss a person. We should seek connection with and understand these people and prevent destructive ideas from spreading IMHO, because there will be others who also won’t dismiss the person - only difference is that they might be receptive for hateful ideas. Sorry if I came across supporting these ideas, this is not the case.
I’m personally not going to hate on or dismiss a person based on political opinions or ideologies
This… Also, what a loaded and opinionated question. It implies that you shouldn’t be on X because of Elon Musk, if OP was genuinely curious about why someone uses X, they could have asked a neutral question: “Are you using X? Why or why not?” or “If you are using X, why and how?”. This currently just reflects the OP’s opinion for validation I guess?
Yeah. You just have to be aware of how others percieve you and just write that. Your percieved strengths and weaknesses and all that. In no way do you have to actually evaluate yourself as a person.
Really interesting. I watch anime occasionally and I’ve been wondering about this. But suddenly the dramatic shoutouts between the good guys and the big bad makes a little bit more sense.
I’d be glad to hear more examples!
I’ve had the luck to meet some good Turkish people for a couple of days a few years back, I remember they showed me all kinds of music. I agree, it’s also a beautiful language.
BTW, én is magyar vagyok, igen :) Ugyan itt bojler eladó!
Finnish! Especially since Iistened to Jukio Kallio’s Kuvankaunis album. Listened to it many times.
Maybe it’s so alluring to me because it sounds close to hungarian, but at the same time more rythmic and melodic to me.
Never thought about it… I’d say no. But I’d like my friends and family to be proud of me (as well as myself)