• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Sorry, that was a LONG fuckin day. On call, and we had a couple addon surgeries go late.

    Anyway, this one:


    I need to be more diligent about actually using it, if your search gives garbage in even like the first 5 hits, add those to your filter and it’ll start to add up fast. This extension has only been on my radar for a few months, and it’s already made a big difference - I’m in nursing school right now, and trying to look up info on the shit our profs are lecturing on invariably yields like 10 websites that are just cheaty test question databases that don’t actually help you learn jack shit; and there’s so much of that garbage that it makes finding actual info a challenge. Screening that bullshit out alone has been great!


  • Discord is banned in Turkiye.

    Considering the nature of these programs, I think the most important thing to hone in on is: what’s popular in Turkiye? Features and functionality don’t mean squat if no one’s around to enjoy them.

    …tad off topic, but this thread is making me miss xFire. That shit was better 10 years ago (maybe more like 15? idk, I’m old) than Discord was at its peak. …litigated out of existence by Yahoo’s frivolous weaponization of our legal system. This is why we can’t have nice things.


    Edit - Fuck you, Yahoo.

  • I’m not interested in what the dictionary says or a textbook definition I’m interested in your personal distinction between the two ideas. How do you decide to put an idea in one category versus the other? I’m not interested in the abstract concepts like ‘objective truth’ I want to know how it works in real life for you.

    Huh. I guess I don’t categorize concepts like that… is it normal to? I believe what I think is true. The certainty of that belief depends on either my own knowledge of supporting facts; or the credibility of someone else’s knowledge in a field I’m not familiar with. If new knowledge reveals a belief to be incorrect, I recognize that at some point I succumbed to bullshit, and need to adjust my belief accordingly.