You aren’t Lemmy. You are an instance of Lemmy, and do not speak for everyone.
You aren’t Lemmy. You are an instance of Lemmy, and do not speak for everyone.
Someone deserves to be maced, that much is certain. May you go to hell, Mace.
Furry hackers, they will be the Alan Turing of our struggle against fascism. May you yiff long and prosper.
I expect that we will be fighting Xittergruupen divisions within the decade. These malicious boys will become evil men.
I am hoping the EU and Blue States does a funding program to make open-source and federated projects more user-friendly. There is far too many proprietary ecosystems that will turncoat within years. We need alternatives that are approachable and easy for people to transfer their lives into.
Far as I am concerned, the Geronocrats are the velvet glove worn by the putrid fist called Republican. They may not be the same, but they certainly fit together.
I suspect the rise of mental illness has much to do with economy. The more uncertain you are about the future, the easier it becomes to be steeped in resentment.
It is the other end of the wealth horseshoe: The wealthy are free of consequence, and consequence no longer holds meaning among the poor. After all, you don’t have friends, a job, or a future. The only way anyone will remember you is if you leave a mark upon them. You may die, but the living are left with the suffering you have left behind.
…that is my guess about the mindset. :(