File this under duuuuuuhhhhh
File this under duuuuuuhhhhh
I propose a no-state solution: Depopulate the area, then seed it with Caesium-135. Area becomes unlivable, and thereby peaceful.
I’ve been reading stories about the return of airships all my life. Unless they make them weatherproof, it’s not happening.
I’ve used a kobo deluxe for several years and they’re great
A cool film that used its low budget creatively has been turned into a crappy franchise on par with Halloween and Friday13th. Shame.
So a poorly made electric vehicle by one manufacturer means that the entire field is non-viable?
EDIT: Lmao, check out this guy’s posts, every single comment is shitting on battery EVs and shilling hydrogen vehicles. I don’t know how much you’re being paid to shill for the fossil fuel industry, but I hope it’s enough.
Yeah, I never though actual humans could fall into the uncanny valley.
Not everyone lives in a cyberpunk dystopia, there are state funded healthcare systems that mandate long term support for medical devices. Clown emoji yourself, buddy.
Can we have one positive news article without the gloom and doom, please?
Betteridge’s law of headlines says no.
They can be a bit too much, but thanks to a billboard I found out that one of my favorite bands (Morcheeba) are playing in my city.
The American Greek fraternity system frankly baffles me. Why would a newly independent young person go through a humiliation gauntlet in order to join a hyper-conformist pseudo cult?
A problem that could be solved overnight by legislation. And yet, the consumers are to blame.
“No code, serverless”
So, nothing, hosted on nothing?
more for the bangs
desire to know more intensifies
The internet is much larger and diverse than the World Wide Web
You are greatly exaggerating the complexity and necessity of the command line, while neglecting its benefits.
I see that the “bored sex worker” protocol has been successfully implemented.
The AI sexbot revolution can be a net positive. With all the weirdos being indoors and hooked on their digital soma, only people who want genuine connection with other human beings will be on the dating market.
Concentration camps