Being supported by a guy who put a dead bear in central park is kind of weird.
It’s me, Jack. Joseph Bidome! The banana controversy is just my opponent trying to distract you from my fantastic achievements as BOTUS. Bidome of the United Sticks.
Being supported by a guy who put a dead bear in central park is kind of weird.
Yeah I mean that one. Don’t use the other one.
Look, Reddit search is already a shit show. Them overhauling it whatever way can’t possibly make it much worse anyway.
Paid subreddits though. I didn’t know we were already in April.
Sure! I use it “as intended”. I pay later. But I only use it when I know that there’s going to be money later (I have money now) and I plan my economy pretty thoroughly. It gives me some extra space when I need it, and makes it so I don’t have to put out my own money to companies I haven’t purchased from before, which can be useful since I tend to look for the best deal available and that often leads me to smaller shops that have no ratings or other reputation online.
I don’t disagree with your comment in any way. It’s a complex situation, and there are positives and negatives to doing it this way.
It’s the people they’re counting on not paying after the BNPL period is over that need more protection. That’s where the trap is, and where these actors make their money.
I personally find it incredibly useful, but I agree that it should be regulated. It is very obvious that the way these systems work currently is not in the interest of the citizens, judging by the numbers of people who go into a debt spiral they cannot resolve. Just because it’s useful for my case doesn’t mean that it should stay as it is.
I thought he was at 52 or something
My only thought is that maybe he’s useful for something which we, the regular peasants, have no clue about.
Mostly cost tbh
I mean… It’s unique in it’s looks. I don’t know if that’s positive
Generally? Yes. Cows are animals. They will react to situations. Especially to you appearing between them and their children. Bulls can be aggressive, but that doesn’t mean that they always are.
Personally prefer oblong
Totally got that, but I like to talk about not using Arch btw
It just doesn’t work for my use. I can’t keep up with it since my linux machine is used sporadically, and I prefer something more stable. I did like the experience when I tried it though.
Also where the fuck is the EU at on this? Having to jump through hoops to use my windows pc is bothersome.
Yes, I’m also a Linux user, no, I don’t use Arch.
Good to see someone listening to people more knowledgeable than them.