I worked in childcare for years, was a teacher for a decade, I’ve been a waitress and bartender for a decade… maybe it’s time to switch again.
My real vocation is as a father, though. How I make money is secondary to that, always.
I like American music. Do you like American music? I like American music, too.
Other versions of me:
I worked in childcare for years, was a teacher for a decade, I’ve been a waitress and bartender for a decade… maybe it’s time to switch again.
My real vocation is as a father, though. How I make money is secondary to that, always.
Hell no, not even close.
I just rub the lenses with a regular handkerchief or the hem of my shirt.
An experience, like going axe-throwing.
A favorite food.
A music playlist made especially with you in mind.
This comment’s my recital
I think it’s very vital
To rock a rhyme that’s right on time
When you can edit titles
It’s always interesting to me to see which words get joined and which do not. The rise of ubiquitous realtime spellcheck is forcing some standardization, but not always in ways I agree with. For example, it tried to separate spell from check in the previous sentence. Other examples are hotdog and icecream and doublewide.
And the lack of internal monologue? How is that experienced? Do you know what you’re going to say before you say it, or is it simultaneous? How do you problem-solve, can you ask yourself questions?
I’m sorry if I’m being obnoxious, I’m just terribly curious. I’m always hungry for experiences outside my own.
Because no one’s going to make money off it and thus no one has a stake in promoting it.
I’ve already taken to the street in protest, starting eight years ago. Anyone who hasnt yet either isn’t going to or is just now coming of age.
of course not, they won’t let you in the store
Being naked in public.
You know those dreams where you go somewhere important, but then you realize that you forgot to wear pants? I still have them, but they’re not stressful, just funny.
a pill that makes your PP go up.
OP did say he was getting older, there’s no shame in needing one of these
A satisfying crunch, I imagine.
Seriously, we eat other mammals often. Why should birds not eat other birds?
You gotta prioritize sleep, that’s the only answer.
I just got to bed as soon as my kids do, me.
Has worked and understands the roles she is supervising.
I’ve joined a car share coöp that was based in my city, but now I do an as-needed car share service.
The coöp had a (low) subscription cost, which meant I was penalized for not using it, but the cars were easy to find, reliable, and clean. I had a touchless membership card I swiped to unlock the cars. Insurance was included in membership, I paid gas and milage as well as a per-hour or cheaper per-day rate.
But I prefer getaround. The idea is people who in cars are letting others use them when they’d otherwise be idle, sorta like AirBnB. But like AirBnB, you’ve got units that are only being used for rentals.
That aside, there’s occasionally problems with individual vehicles, but it’s much cheaper, you can get a wide variety of vehicle types, and it’s easy to select an electric or hybrid to make gas costs minimal. Insurance can be purchased though the app. Changing a booking is a breeze. I plan to keep using this option.
If all a candidate has to do to get elected is be less evil than the other, then there’s no incentive to be good; instead candidates are free to be as evil as they want up to the limit of the opposition. If a candidate had to be less evil than the person they’re succeeding, sure, we’d get less evil over time. But that’s not the case, they’re compared to their opponents not their predecessors. Every time we elect someone shitty we show them they don’t have to be any better than that to get elected.
Not every candidate, but a general trend of “lesser evil” candidates. Obama wasn’t a lesser evil candidate, he was a genuinely good one.
Nah. Apple cores all the way, though.