Welcome to one of the big unsolved problems in physics
Welcome to one of the big unsolved problems in physics
Most of the major newspapers (this is from a UK perspective but I’d imagine they’re accessible in other places) have a live news page for big developing news stories - the BBC site is probably a good unbiased-ish one
I’m a big fan of -ussy as a suffix, especially when it’s wildly unsuitable for the purpose
It’s utterly ruined ales describing themselves as “citrussy”
Hold the newsreader’s nose squarely, waiter, or friendly milk will countermand my trousers.
The Dollop
Particularly the 1908 New York Paris Car Race episode
Just never go to Scunthorpe
Though I just realised I’m a walking stereotype
No contest, just look at these guys
Terrible coffee
Ooh neat, think that’s from the same root as troth/betrothal in English too, proto German for truth & fidelity
I get that, but also, it’s always seemed like the purpose of the ring is to signify the state of being, so engagement ring to show the state of being engaged, wedding ring shows the state of being married, or wed, I guess it works both ways
Not a strongly held view by any means 😆
French as well - le bague de mariage
Gotta be Mark Knopfler - Sailing to Philadelphia
Antitrust (2001)
First computer in about '99, which I’d “built” (I was 8, so I mostly just watched while my dad’s friend built it and occasionally let me plug some wires in)
First phone, Nokia 3310 in 2003, with a Simpsons case, I think I’ve got it in a box somewhere…
Was about to say the same thing - just annoying it’s not all available online in the UK
I’ve got two - a potato ricer, basically a big garlic press you put a boiled potato in, instant perfect mash.
And one of those spiral apple peeler/corer/slicers, makes cooking anything with apple in so much faster (it’s a fiddle to clean though unfortunately)
Is that 25/80% of men will have thinner hair, or 25/80% of a man’s hair will thin?
When I was about 4, I was jumping on the sofa, back and forth from one arm to the other (because the middle was lava, obviously)
Misjudged it and ended up going headfirst off the end into a china cabinet next to it, glass doors and all - I ended up missing the first month of school, 32 stitches and basically half a Glasgow smile to show for it, I’m told it looks very cool