It could very much be true, according to this meta-analysis study that showed up at the top of my results after spending 2 seconds looking this up
I had heard about the causal link between marijuana use and onset of schizophrenia in people predisposed to suffer this illness (i.e. cannabis may be a trigger but these people could’ve developed the illness anyway later in life).
I didn’t know it could cause psychosis too but there you go. How much truth or risk there is in all this, I can’t say, but I personally am not willing to risk it.
Yes. Molotov, the URSS Commissar for Foreign Affairs, did try to engage France and Britain to form a defensive tripartite pact, which the Western powers ignored.
The Soviets didn’t exactly throw themselves at the German’s arms at first. Stalin was very wary of the Nazis, in fact.
But Hitler practically begged Stalin to buddy up with the Nazis, dangling Poland, Finland, etc. as the proverbial carrot in front of them. The Nazi’s insistence paid off.